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The other day I visited the House of European History in Brussels.前几天,我参观了布鲁塞尔的欧洲历史博物馆。 History, and Europe's tumultuous history in particular, teaches us that nothing can be taken for granted.历史,尤其是欧洲动荡的历史,告诉我们,什么都不能视为理所当然。 At numerous times in the past, humanity has experienced a loss of knowledge and technology.过去,人类经历了很多次知识和技术的丧失。 It then took enormous efforts and a very long time to get back what had been stupidly destroyed.然后,它花费了巨大的精力和很长时间才恢复了被愚蠢摧毁的东西。 Let me be clear: There exists no automatism that we can retain our current level of technological development.让我清楚一点:没有自动性可以保持我们当前的技术发展水平。 Without stability and predictability, there is no progress.没有稳定性和可预测性,就没有进步。 If the Pandemic teaches us something, it is that technology is humankind's best ally to beat the virus and also to prevent similar viruses threatening us all in the future.如果大流行教给我们一些东西,那就是技术是人类战胜病毒并防止类似病毒将来威胁我们所有人的最佳盟友。 We have no other viable option but to invest in technology and to bank on progress!我们没有其他可行的选择,只能投资技术并依靠进步!

Whether the United States and China have now entered Graham T. Allison's famous “Thucydides Trap” is not for me to judge.美国和中国现在是否已经进入了格雷厄姆·T·艾里森的著名“修西底德陷阱”,这不是我要判断的。 What I do believe and advocate though is that Europe has a key role and responsibility in ensuring stability in the months ahead.我确实相信和主张的是,欧洲在确保未来几个月的稳定方面具有关键作用和责任。 European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen and European Council President Charles Michel rightly point out that the EU is not an object, but a subject in international relations.欧盟委员会主席乌尔苏拉·冯·德莱恩和欧盟理事会主席查尔斯·米歇尔正确地指出,欧盟不是国际关系的对象,而是一个主题。 International companies such as Huawei need a strong Europe to shape an inclusive tech-world of tomorrow.华为等国际公司需要强大的欧洲来塑造一个包容的明天的技术世界。 A world in which Europe leads on tech-regulation and in which new technologies are deployed in line with European values and principles.在这个世界上,欧洲在技术法规方面处于领先地位,并且按照欧洲的价值观和原则部署了新技术。

The European Union can only be strong if its 27 Member States also stand up to its principles and do not give in to short-term pressures.欧洲联盟只有在其5个成员国也遵守其原则并且不屈服于短期压力的情况下才能强大。 The EU toolbox on XNUMXG Cybersecurity is an intelligent and encompassing approach which gives EU countries appropriate time to come to their conclusions.欧盟有关XNUMXG网络安全的工具箱是一种智能且全面的方法,可为欧盟国家提供适当的时间得出结论。 This solid European method should not be undermined by third parties ahead of elections.在选举之前,第三方不应破坏这种可靠的欧洲方法。 Wherever European governments receive pressure these days to go down the path of potentially discriminatory actions violating EU law, I would like to tell them: take a deep breath.如今,无论欧洲政府在何处承受压力,要求他们采取可能违反欧盟法律的歧视性行动之路,我都想告诉他们:深吸一口气。 Do take your time.慢慢来。 Do not rush into actions you might not have thought through.不要急于采取您可能没有考虑过的行动。

Let me be clear: Huawei is deeply committed to Europe.让我清楚一点:华为坚定地致力于欧洲。 We are here to stay and we will invest heavily in Europe's ICT ecosystem.我们会留下来,我们将在欧洲的ICT生态系统中进行大量投资。 In the last 20 years, Huawei has decisively contributed to the successful digital transformation of societies all across Europe.在过去的XNUMX年中,华为为整个欧洲的成功数字化转型做出了决定性的贡献。 Just look at Poland and Romania: in both countries Huawei has provided secure, fast and affordable telecom networks that are the backbone of the impressive economic growth both Poland and Romania have experienced in recent years.仅看波兰和罗马尼亚:在这两个国家,华为都提供了安全,快速和负担得起的电信网络,这是波兰和罗马尼亚近年来取得令人瞩目的经济增长的基础。 In Warsaw and in Bucharest, Huawei has set up large regional operations employing thousands of people.华为在华沙和布加勒斯特建立了大规模的区域运营机构,雇用了数千名员工。




EU Reporter 发表来自各种外部来源的文章,表达了广泛的观点。 这些文章中的立场不一定是欧盟记者的立场。
