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保加利亚Ahead of Bulgaria's forthcoming referendum on whether to allow construction to resume at the Belene nuclear power plant (27 January), prime minister Boyko Borisov has made a surprising shift, calling on his cabinet and Bulgarian voters to vote "no".在即将举行的关于是否允许在贝莱尼核电站恢复建造的全民投票(2012月XNUMX日)之前,总理博里科·鲍里索夫做出了令人惊讶的转变,呼吁其内阁和保加利亚选民投票“否决”。 The referendum to authorise the resumption of construction of a new reactor at the Belene nuclear power plant was announced by the opposition socialist party last October.反对派社会党去年XNUMX月宣布举行公投,授权在Belene核电站恢复建造新反应堆。 Faced with rising costs and public protests against the construction in a high-risk earthquake zone, the government had put the project on hold in early XNUMX. Initially, the government was to campaign for a "yes" in favour of the construction of more nuclear power plants in Bulgaria.面对不断上涨的成本和针对高风险地震区建设的公众抗议,政府于XNUMX年初暂停了该项目。最初,政府将争取“赞成”,以支持建造更多核电站。保加利亚的发电厂。

European Greens have expressed support for the Bulgarian Greens (Zelenite) and those campaigning for a "no" vote and Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms will visit Bulgaria from 23-25 January in support of the "no" campaign.欧洲绿党表示支持保加利亚绿党(Zelenite),那些竞选“不赞成”的人也表示支持,绿党/ EFA联合主席丽贝卡·哈姆斯将于XNUMX月XNUMX日至XNUMX日访问保加利亚,以支持“反对”运动。 Commenting ahead of her visit, Rebecca Harms said: "The sensible about-turn by prime minister Borisov in calling for a vote against nuclear new build in Bulgaria is a welcome surprise. It is not enough to reject the future expansion of nuclear power however: the decommissioning of current nuclear power plants is also an essential step for safety in Bulgaria. Bulgaria must opt out of this high-risk technology and enter into a secure, future-oriented energy strategy. This means focusing on renewables and efficiency, creating new jobs through technical innovation, rather than risky old nuclear plants."丽贝卡·哈姆斯(Rebecca Harms)在访问前发表评论说:“总理鲍里索夫(Borisov)明智地要求对保加利亚的核新建筑进行投票,这是令人欢迎的惊喜。然而,这不足以拒绝未来的核电扩张:保加利亚目前的核电厂退役也是安全的重要步骤,保加利亚必须退出这项高风险技术,并制定安全的,面向未来的能源战略,这意味着着眼于可再生能源和能源效率,创造了新的就业机会通过技术创新,而不是冒险的旧核电站。”


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