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The objective of the tax exemption measure is to increase the use of biofuels and to reduce the use of fossil fuels in transport.免税措施的目的是增加生物燃料的使用并减少运输中化石燃料的使用。 The Commission assessed the measures under EU state aid rules, in particular the欧盟委员会评估了欧盟国家援助规则下的措施,特别是 国家环境保护和能源援助指南 2014-2020。 The Commission found that the tax exemptions are necessary and appropriate for stimulating the production and consumption of domestic and imported biofuels, without unduly distorting competition in the Single Market.委员会发现,免税是刺激国内和进口生物燃料生产和消费的必要且适当的,而又不会过度扭曲单一市场上的竞争。 In addition, the scheme will contribute to the efforts of both Sweden and the EU as a whole to deliver on the Paris agreement and move towards the 2030 renewables and CO₂ targets.此外,该计划将为瑞典和整个欧盟为实现《巴黎协定》和朝着XNUMX年可再生能源和COXNUMX目标迈进的努力做出贡献。

The support to food-based biofuels should remain limited, in line with the thresholds imposed by the revised Renewable Energy Directive.根据修订的《可再生能源指令》规定的阈值,对基于食物的生物燃料的支持应保持有限。 Furthermore, the exemption can only be granted when operators demonstrate compliance with sustainability criteria, which will be transposed by Sweden as required by the revised Renewable Energy Directive.此外,只有在运营商证明符合可持续性标准时才能授予豁免,瑞典将根据经修订的《可再生能源指令》的要求进行转换。 On this basis, the Commission concluded that the measure is in line with EU state aid rules.在此基础上,委员会得出结论认为该措施符合欧盟国家援助规则。 More information will be available on the Commission's有关该委员会的更多信息,请参见 竞争 网站,在 国家援助注册 在案件号SA.55695下。


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