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Kazakhstan is an important and trusted partner of the European Union (EU).哈萨克斯坦是欧盟(EU)的重要和值得信赖的合作伙伴。 This is embodied in the Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement EPCA) with the EU, which entered into force on 1 March 2020,这体现在与欧盟于XNUMX年XNUMX月XNUMX日生效的增强型合作伙伴关系协议(EPCA)中, 写政治顾问 Ipek Tekdemir(如下图所示)。

政治顾问Ipek Tekdemir。

政治顾问Ipek Tekdemir

在过去的三十年中,欧盟与哈萨克斯坦的外交关系日益加强,欧盟成员国成为1991年承认哈萨克斯坦为独立国家的首批国家之一。 1994年,哈萨克斯坦是独立国家联合体(CIS)国家中第一个在欧盟建立正式代表权的国家,这体现了这种纽带的力量。

The significance of EU-Kazakhstan relations also shows in the trade and investment relationship.欧盟与哈萨克斯坦关系的重要性也体现在贸易和投资关系中。 The EU is Kazakhstan's principal trading partner, representing 40% of external trade.欧盟是哈萨克斯坦的主要贸易伙伴,占对外贸易的48%。 The EU is the main foreign investor in Kazakhstan, accounting for XNUMX% of the total (gross) foreign direct investment.欧盟是哈萨克斯坦的主要外国投资者,占外国直接投资总额的XNUMX%。 Along the way, European businesses and investors have supported the strengthening of the economy of independent Kazakhstan under the leadership of First President Nursultan Nazarbayev, having helped to pave the way for the creation of a free market environment.在此过程中,欧洲企业和投资者在第一任总统努尔苏丹·纳扎尔巴耶夫(Nursultan Nazarbayev)的领导下,支持加强独立哈萨克斯坦的经济,为创造自由市场环境铺平了道路。



The EU-Kazakhstan EPCA - the first such agreement the EU has concluded with any of its partners in Central Asia - has now entered the stage of its implementation.欧盟-哈萨克斯坦EPCA-欧盟与中亚的任何合作伙伴缔结的首项此类协议-现在进入了实施阶段。 The Agreement provides an expansive framework for cooperation, not only including the fields of trade and economy, but equally encompassing the socio-cultural and political realms of Kazakhstan-EU relations.该协定提供了广泛的合作框架,不仅包括贸易和经济领域,而且同样涵盖了哈萨克斯坦与欧盟关系的社会文化和政治领域。 The EPCA is expected to give an additional boost to Kazakhstan's economic, social and political development, adding to President Tokayev's ongoing efforts.预计EPCA将进一步推动哈萨克斯坦的经济,社会和政治发展,从而增加托卡耶夫总统的不懈努力。

EPCA还预见将在创新和绿色技术,运输,物流,教育,能源和环境保护等领域进一步加深和加强欧盟与哈萨克斯坦的合作。 EPCA寻求提供一个平台,并为欧洲和哈萨克斯坦的商业伙伴提供机会,以见面并交流看法和最佳做法。


Being an oil-rich nation, Kazakhstan's exports to the EU are heavily dominated by oil and gas, which account for more than 80% of the nation's total exports.哈萨克斯坦是一个石油资源丰富的国家,其对欧盟的出口主要由石油和天然气主导,占该国总出口的4,000%以上。 Exports from the EU to Kazakhstan, however, are dominated by machinery and transport equipment, and products from the manufacturing and chemicals sectors.但是,从欧盟到哈萨克斯坦的出口主要由机械和运输设备以及制造和化工领域的产品主导。 The inward investments from the EU in the Central Asian country are notable, with over 2,000 companies with European participation and XNUMX joint ventures operating in Kazakhstan.欧盟在中亚国家的对内投资显着,在哈萨克斯坦有超过XNUMX家有欧洲参与的公司和XNUMX家合资企业。

It has been a top priority of the Kazakh Government under President Tokayev to intensify efforts to attract foreign direct investment to the country.托卡耶夫总统领导下的哈萨克斯坦政府的首要任务是加紧努力吸引外国直接投资到该国。 The initiatives carried out since the election of President Tokayev in 2019 have further improved the business climate and increased economic stability for the EU and other foreign investors to augment their investments in the country.自XNUMX年托卡耶夫总统当选以来采取的举措进一步改善了商业环境,并为欧盟和其他外国投资者增加了对该国的投资增加了经济稳定性。 The relaxation of visa requirements for travel to Kazakhstan and creation of business and investment opportunities have been core initiatives in this regard.在这方面的核心举措是放宽前往哈萨克斯坦的签证要求以及创造商业和投资机会。

除了EPCA,欧盟的中亚战略也是欧盟与哈萨克斯坦关系的重要框架。 2019年见证了欧盟中亚战略的修订,其目的是更好地解决该地区当前的社会经济需求。

With increasing domestic economic growth in Kazakhstan in recent years, EU-Kazakhstan relations have significantly expanded beyond the economic sphere, now encompassing cooperation in an array of socio-cultural and political fields.近年来,随着哈萨克斯坦国内经济的增长,欧盟与哈萨克斯坦的关系已大大扩展到经济领域之外,现已涵盖了一系列社会文化和政治领域的合作。 President Tokayev has been introducing a new political paradigm to the domestic agenda.托卡耶夫总统一直在将新的政治范式引入国内议程。 This includes the "listening state”, greater promotion of pluralism of opinions, the acknowledgement that successful economic reforms rely on socio-political modernisation, and finally the correlation between a strong President, an influential Parliament, and an accountable government. To deliver on these new paradigms, new liberal mechanisms have been introduced to the Kazakh political culture. The state refuses practices such as blocking the internet or forcibly dispersing protesters, pro-actively embracing inclusive dialogue, and acknowledges the ever-increasing importance of communication and dialogue as the foundation of modern society.这包括“聆听状态”,更大程度地促进意见多元化,承认成功的经济改革依赖于社会政治现代化,最后包括强大的总统,有影响力的议会和负责任的政府之间的联系。哈萨克斯坦的政治文化引入了新的范式,新的自由机制,该国拒绝了诸如封锁互联网或强行驱散示威者,积极倡导包容性对话等做法,并承认交流和对话作为基础的日益增长的重要性现代社会。

More recently, in his annual Address to the Nation on 1 September 2020, President Tokayev announced the beginning of a new stage of reforms to put Kazakhstan in a favourable position to assert its role on a world stage that is changing fundamentally.最近,托卡耶夫总统在XNUMX年XNUMX月XNUMX日的年度国家讲话中宣布开始新的改革阶段,以使哈萨克斯坦处于有利位置,以在哈萨克斯坦的世界舞台上发生根本性变化。 The new stage of reforms will encompass a substantial review of the activities of the entire state apparatus, including radical changes at all levels, such as the ambition to develop a real multiparty political system, reform the legislative process, and substantially improve implementation and enforcement of governance standards and the rule of law.改革的新阶段将包括对整个国家机构活动的实质性审查,包括在各个层面上的根本性变化,例如建立一个真正的多党政治制度,改革立法程序,以及显着改善实施和执行的雄心。治理标准和法治。 A major focus will further lie on economic reforms, based on principles such as the promotion of free-market competition, technological innovation, education, accountability, and green economic development.基于促进自由市场竞争,技术创新,教育,问责制和绿色经济发展等原则,经济改革将进一步集中在经济改革上。 The concrete steps towards domestic political and socio-economic reforms outlined by the President are of mutual importance to Kazakhstan and the EU.总统概述的朝国内政治和社会经济改革迈出的具体步骤对哈萨克斯坦和欧盟具有共同的重要性。 Some of these reform ambitions are even mirrored in ambitious EU policies such as the Green Deal.其中一些改革野心甚至反映在雄心勃勃的欧盟政策中,例如绿色协议。

The current COVID-19 pandemic has put a particular emphasis on the mutual interests in and vital need for international cooperation between the EU and Kazakhstan.当前的COVID-XNUMX大流行特别强调了欧盟与哈萨克斯坦在国际合作中的共同利益和迫切需要。 In addressing the crisis, the Kazakh leadership has demonstrated its resilience and commitment to support the health and wellbeing of its people.哈萨克斯坦领导人在应对危机中表现出了其抵御能力和承诺,以支持其人民的健康和福祉。 Under President Tokayev, the Kazakh Government has launched a package of measures to stimulate the economy, just as the EU seeking to seize the crisis as an opportunity to make an additional leap forward, and – in the case of Kazakhstan – to move further towards a diversified economy.在托卡耶夫总统领导下,哈萨克斯坦政府采取了一系列刺激经济的措施,就如同欧盟寻求抓住危机,以此作为进一步飞跃的机会,而对于哈萨克斯坦而言,则是朝着进一步迈向多元化的经济。



EU Reporter 发表来自各种外部来源的文章,表达了广泛的观点。 这些文章中的立场不一定是欧盟记者的立场。
