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The debate with experts on the issue shows that the odious practices move from old EU members to new-comers.与专家就该问题进行的辩论表明,可恶的做法已从欧盟老成员国转移到了新来者。 The situation in the Polish agricultural sector causes serious concerns.波兰农业部门的局势引起严重关切。
'Polish farmers have were given time to adjust to the new rules.波兰农民有时间适应新规定。 All slaughter houses are supervised by the vets, the castration of male piglets is done by professionals', - according to Anna Kowalska-Klockiewicz, first secretary of agriculture in Polish representation to the EU.波兰代表欧盟的农业第一书记安娜·科瓦尔斯卡-克洛克维兹(Anna Kowalska-Klockiewicz)说,所有的屠宰场都由兽医监督,雄性仔猪的cast割由专业人员完成。
On contrary to official data, Prof. Elzanowski revealed grim realities of cattle and pig production in Poland: 'The conditions for animals are meeting the minimum requirements only in best cases, while government tries to present this minimum as a standard.与官方数据相反,埃尔扎诺夫斯基教授揭示了波兰牛和猪生产的严峻现实:“只有在最佳情况下,动物的条件才能达到最低要求,而政府试图将这一最低要求作为标准。 The sector has to do the proper work in translating and understanding the objective and full information about the European norms'.该部门必须在翻译和理解有关欧洲规范的客观和全面信息方面做适当的工作。
Within the general poor conditions for animals far beyond the expected EU standards the ritual slaughter is especially loathsome practise.在动物的普遍恶劣条件下,远远超出了欧盟的预期标准,仪式性屠杀尤其令人讨厌。 The major deviation from the EU standard procedure is in absence of stunning, that makes it repellent.与欧盟标准程序的主要差异在于没有令人震惊的特性,这使其具有驱避性。





'Ritual procedure is absolutely barbaric and in no way coming even close to contemporary ideas of the overwhelming majority of the EU citizens about the way animals grown for consumption should be treated in civilised society at culling', - said Prof. Elzanowski.埃尔扎诺夫斯基教授说:“仪式程序绝对是野蛮的,绝不与当代绝大多数欧盟公民关于淘汰食用动物应如何在文明社会中受到对待的当代想法相近。” Apparently according to scientific evidence the stunning doesn't affect bleeding, making the torture causing immense sufferings of multitudes of animals absolutely unjustified, based on sheer superstition.显然,根据科学证据,惊人的击晕并不会影响出血,基于纯粹的迷信,这种折磨造成了众多动物的巨大痛苦,绝对是不合理的。

Elzanowksi声称,波兰和欧盟的公众并不知道在屠宰牛的过程中会发生什么。 'Slicing throats and turning cows in rotary pens to let them bleed goes far beyond any nightmare of a regular EU citizen.切开喉咙,用转笔转动牛,让它们流血远远超出了普通欧盟公民的噩梦。 For its repulsive nature the ritual slaughter in Poland takes place in greatest discretion out of public eye, being illegal before 2004, but expanding rapidly with full complaisance of veterinary authorities for financial benefits it brings.由于其排斥性,波兰的礼节性屠杀是出于公众的判断,在XNUMX年以前是非法的,但在迅速扩大的过程中,兽医当局完全称赞它带来的经济利益。
The animal torture is not limited to ritual slaughter: over 100 000 un-weaned calves are travelling from Poland for more than 25 hours to Italy and Spain.对动物的酷刑不仅仅限于仪式上的屠杀:超过XNUMX万只未断奶的小牛从波兰行进超过XNUMX个小时,前往意大利和西班牙。 Nobody stops for picnic on the way.途中没有人停下来野餐。

–殴打,被尾巴和耳朵拖着,没水。 Suffocated birds and piglets are carried in sacks like in Middle Ages.像中世纪一样,窒息的鸟类和仔猪被装在麻袋里。

“人本主义是为了人文主义者” –农业官员萨维基(M.Sawicki)回应说,这完全违背了现代对牛的态度。 Prof. Elzanowski convinced that with the kind of attitude of the establishment the chances to change crude realities are slim.埃尔扎诺夫斯基教授坚信,以企业的这种态度,改变现实状况的机会微乎其微。
The vets reject to go to 'black' markets, because they are not registered and police doesn't interfere arguing that they are not supposed to come otherwise then called by vets.兽医拒绝进入“黑市”,因为他们没有注册,警察也没有干涉他们不应该再来的说法。 The vicious circle turns multiplying the victims.恶性循环使受害者倍增。
-以遵循欧洲法律为借口而使国家法律恶化的现象很普遍。 The EU prescribes the minimum condition and they say there are standards, but they are not'.欧盟规定了最低条件,并说有标准,但没有。 According to professor there is a consensus among vets about the general degradation of national animal protection law.据教授说,兽医们对国家动物保护法的普遍退化达成了共识。



MEP Carl Shlyter (Greens) shared experience of Sweden where a progress was achieved, based on talks with the Muslim community, but unfortunately the Jewish community rejected to soften the rituals.环境保护部的卡尔·史莱特(格林)与瑞典社区分享了经验,分享了瑞典取得的进展,但不幸的是,犹太社区拒绝软化这一仪式。 They continue the practices, exporting the meat to the other countries.他们继续这种做法,将肉类出口到其他国家。
Staggering a question of recruiting butchers for rituals doesn't represent any problem: Jewish and Muslim butchers are selected from the pious individuals so they are engaged within their religious communities.招募屠夫参加仪式的问题很棘手,这并不代表任何问题:犹太和穆斯林屠夫是从虔诚的个人中选出的,因此他们从事宗教团体活动。 Unfortunately the cruelty of the rituals translates into increase of violence towards vulnerable members of the society as women and children.不幸的是,这种残酷的礼节导致对妇女和儿童的社会弱势群体的暴力行为增加。
“有研究表明,屠宰场的暴力行为增加了犯罪率,”-Elzanowski教授总结道。 But again, the 'humanism is for humanists.但同样,“人文主义是针对人文主义者的。





EU Reporter 发表来自各种外部来源的文章,表达了广泛的观点。 这些文章中的立场不一定是欧盟记者的立场。
