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BN-HF697_INSHOR_M_20150304073053Members of all European Parliament political groups condemned the recent execution of eight people in Indonesia, and called for an immediate moratorium on the death penalty there.所有欧洲议会政治团体的成员都谴责最近在印度尼西亚处决了八人,并呼吁立即暂停那里的死刑。 In a debate on Thursday with International Cooperation Commissioner Neven Mimica, MEPs stressed that even though they respect Indonesia's sovereignty and its fight against drug trafficking, the death penalty can never be justified.在与国际合作专员内文·米米卡(Neven Mimica)进行的辩论中,欧洲议会议员强调,尽管他们尊重印度尼西亚的主权和打击毒品贩运的斗争,但死刑永远不能成立。

MEPs urged the Indonesian authorities to abolish the death penalty, suggesting that it be replaced with other sanctions, such as life imprisonment.欧洲议会议员敦促印度尼西亚当局废除死刑,建议将其改为其他制裁,例如无期徒刑。 Many also questioned whether the people executed and those still on death row, among them a French citizen, really had fair trials.许多人还质疑被处决的人和仍在死囚牢房中的人(其中包括法国公民)是否真的受到了公正审判。 They cited the execution of Brazilian Rodrigo Gularte, despite his alleged mental illness, and a lack of lawyers and interpreters.Some MEPs referred to Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orbán's recent statement about a possible restoration of the death penalty, saying that Europe should be proud of its ban on the death penalty and should fight any attempt to reintroduce it.他们援引巴西罗德里戈·古拉特(Rodrigo Gularte)的死讯,尽管他据称患有精神疾病,并且缺乏律师和口译员。禁止死刑,并应与任何重新实施死刑的努力作斗争。


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