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数据隐私数据泄露可能导致消费者,企业甚至政府实质损害,如2014和反对爱沙尼亚2007的网络攻击索尼的表现。 为了提高针对此类攻击的基本服务,如电力供应和空中交通管制防御,欧盟已同意一套共同的基本的网络安全规则。 欧洲议会谈过安德烈亚斯·施瓦布EPP组的德国成员,谁是负责通过议会转向他们。


We need a European approach because we have so many infrastructures that are really interdependent.我们需要欧洲的方法,因为我们拥有如此多真正相互依赖的基础架构。 If we don't get a fair protection at the European level for these cross-border infrastructures, we will be in trouble.如果我们没有在欧洲范围内对这些跨境基础设施提供公平的保护,我们将陷入困境。 It's not about all parts of the infrastructure, but only about the digital parts of it and only in a certain number of sectors, such as energy and transport, which are key sectors for the European economy.它不仅涉及基础架构的所有部分,还涉及基础设施的数字部分,并且仅涉及一定数量的部门,例如能源和交通运输,这是欧洲经济的关键部门。什么是新规则预见?

首先,会员国必须确保他们的目标与此法规正确的基础设施。 该指令还预见了一定数量的义务在有关地区运营商:他们已经建立,将创造适应力的系统。

这个指令设置不仅对关键基础设施的运营商也为数字服务提供商安全保障义务。 他们是什么?

We're talking here about search engines, online market platforms and cloud service providers.我们在这里谈论的是搜索引擎,在线市场平台和云服务提供商。 Although they don't serve critical infrastructure directly, they are nonetheless important for it.尽管它们不直接为关键基础架构提供服务,但它们对于它仍然很重要。 They do already have protection plans against cyber-attacks.他们已经有防止网络攻击的保护计划。 We only demand that they notify structured attacks to national authorities.我们仅要求它们将结构性攻击通知国家主管部门。 And we don't talk here about every single incident, but only about a serious level of incidents that has to be reported.而且我们在这里不谈论每个事件,而只是谈论必须报告的严重事件。 So the workload is quite small.因此工作量很小。


A lot of services that citizens use, such as energy, transport and banking, are becoming more and more digitalized.市民使用的许多服务,例如能源,运输和银行业务,都变得越来越数字化。 And in all these areas they are heavily reliant on structures that they don't see every day, but which ensure that the services work.在所有这些领域中,它们都严重依赖于每天都看不到的结构,但这些结构确保了服务的正常运行。 If we make these structures safer and more resilient, this will directly benefit European citizens.如果我们使这些结构更安全,更有弹性,这将直接使欧洲公民受益。

14月XNUMX日,议会内部市场委员会对新规则进行了投票,新规则已获得欧洲议会,理事会和委员会的临时同意。 Before they can enter into force, the rules will also need to be approved by MEPs during a plenary session later this year.在这些规则生效之前,还需要欧洲议会议员在今年晚些时候的全体会议上批准这些规则。




EU Reporter 发表来自各种外部来源的文章,表达了广泛的观点。 这些文章中的立场不一定是欧盟记者的立场。
