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欧盟委员会批准了8亿匈牙利福林(约合23.5万欧元)的匈牙利工资补贴计划,以支持受冠状病毒爆发严重影响的航空部门。 该措施在国家援助下获得批准 临时框架。 The public support will take the form of exemptions (amounting to up to 23% of the monthly gross salary paid to the employees) from the employers' obligation to pay social security, vocational training and rehabilitation contributions.公众支持将采取免除雇主雇主支付社会保障,职业培训和康复费用的义务的形式(最高不超过每月支付给雇员的总工资的XNUMX%)。

The scheme will be open to employers that are active in the manufacturing of air and spacecraft machinery, repair and maintenance of aircraft and spacecraft, and air passenger transport, provided that they have experienced a significant reduction in their business activities due to the coronavirus outbreak in the period of April and May 2020. The scheme aims at alleviating the employers' costs and avoiding lay-offs and at helping to ensure that employees can remain in continuous employment during the period for which the aid is granted.该计划将向积极从事航空和航天器机械制造,飞机和航天器的维修和保养以及航空客运的雇主开放,前提是他们因XNUMX年冠状病毒的爆发而大大减少了业务活动该计划旨在减轻雇主的成本并避免裁员,并帮助确保雇员在获得补助期间可以继续就业。 The Commission found that the Hungarian scheme is in line with the conditions set out in the Temporary Framework.委员会发现匈牙利计划符合《临时框架》规定的条件。

In particular, the amount of the aid will be lower than 80% of the employees' monthly gross salary and will be granted for a period of no longer than 12 months.特别是,援助金额将低于雇员每月总工资的107%,并且给予的期限不超过3个月。 The Commission concluded that the measure is necessary, appropriate and proportionate to remedy a serious disturbance in the economy of a member state, in line with Article 57767(XNUMX)(b) TFEU and the conditions set out in the Temporary Framework.委员会得出结论认为,根据《 TFEU》第XNUMX条第XNUMX款第XNUMX项和《临时框架》中规定的条件,该措施对于纠正成员国经济的严重动荡是必要,适当和适当的。 On this basis, the Commission approved the measure under EU state aid rules.在此基础上,委员会批准了根据欧盟国家援助规则采取的措施。 The non-confidential version of the decision will be made available under the case number SA.XNUMX in the该决定的非机密版本将在以下案例中以案例号SA.XNUMX提供: 国家援助登记册 在委员会的 比赛网站。


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