






Surrounded by EU member states the Swiss economy has very close ties to Europe's economy.被欧盟成员国包围的瑞士经济与欧洲经济有着非常紧密的联系。 About 1.4 million EU citizens live in Switzerland and 450,000 Swiss live in the EU.约320,000万欧盟公民居住在瑞士,1999万瑞士人居住在欧盟。 Another XNUMX EU citizens cross the border daily to work in Switzerland.每天还有XNUMX万欧盟公民过境在瑞士工作。 Free movement was initially granted under a XNUMX agreement.自由流动最初是根据XNUMX年的协议授予的。 The agreement includes the mutual recognition of professional qualifications, the right to buy property and social insurance benefits.该协议包括相互承认专业资格,购买财产的权利和社会保险金。 Had the referendum been successful it would have brought this agreement to an end.如果公投成功,那么该协议将被终止。

The chairman of the European Parliament's delegation for Switzerland, Andreas Schwab MEP (DE, CDU), said: “The result of the referendum is proof that the Swiss citizens want to keep working with the EU.欧洲议会驻瑞士代表团团长安德烈亚斯·施瓦布(Andreas Schwab MEP)(德国,基民盟)说:“全民投票的结果证明瑞士公民希望继续与欧盟合作。 Switzerland and the EU are more than just very good partners.瑞士和欧盟不仅仅是非常好的合作伙伴。 Every year Switzerland exports goods worth 109 billion euros to the EU.”瑞士每年向欧盟出口价值XNUMX亿欧元的商品。”


Schwab is also anxious to complete the framework agreement between the EU and Switzerland, negotiations have taken place over four years and structural compromises were reached.施瓦布还急于完成欧盟和瑞士之间的框架协议,已经进行了四年的谈判,并达成了结构性妥协。 He said: “We want this agreement because it creates legal certainty - for Europeans and Swiss!他说:“我们想要这项协议,因为它为欧洲人和瑞士人创造了法律上的确定性! Strong relations with Switzerland are in the interests of the EU and Switzerland must now take into account the close cooperation it wants with the EU.”与瑞士的牢固关系符合欧盟的利益,瑞士现在必须考虑与欧盟的紧密合作。”


For several years, Switzerland and the EU have been working towards solutions for the remaining institutional issues in the area of market access (legal developments, interpretation, supervision and dispute settlement).几年来,瑞士和欧盟一直致力于为市场准入领域(法律发展,解释,监督和争端解决)中的其余机构问题提供解决方案。 An institutional framework agreement (IFA) would allow for the consolidation and development of reciprocal market access.机构框架协议(IFA)将允许巩固和发展相互的市场准入。


The three main concerns of the Swiss on the IFA concern: Legal certainty for the current level of wage protection in Switzerland, (ii) exclusion of horizontal effects of the rules on state aid and (iii) no obligation for an integral adoption of the Citizens Rights Directive.瑞士人对IFA的三个主要关注:瑞士目前工资保护水平的法律确定性;(ii)排除了国家援助规则的横向影响;(iii)没有义务全面采纳公民权利指令。 The Swiss negotiators believe that it is only with assurances in these areas that they will be able to secure the necessary internal support.瑞士谈判人员认为,只有在这些领域得到保证,他们才能获得必要的内部支持。

