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委员会通过了一项 报告 评估成员国为遵守《公约》所采取的措施 欧盟反恐规则 (指令2017/541)。 This Directive is the main criminal justice instrument at EU level to counter terrorism.该指令是欧盟层面打击恐怖主义的主要刑事司法手段。 It sets minimum standards for defining terrorist and terrorism-related offences and for sanctions, while also giving victims of terrorism rights to protection, support and assistance.它为界定与恐怖主义和恐怖主义有关的罪行和制裁规定了最低标准,同时也给恐怖主义受害者提供保护,支持和援助的权利。

The report concludes that the transposition of the Directive into national law helped strengthen member states' criminal justice approach to terrorism and the rights afforded to victims of terrorism.该报告的结论是,将该指令转化为国家法律有助于加强成员国对恐怖主义的刑事司法方法以及赋予恐怖主义受害者的权利。 While the measures taken by member states to comply with the Directive are overall satisfactory, there are however gaps that are a cause for concern.尽管成员国为遵守该指令所采取的措施总体上令人满意,但是仍有一些差距值得关注。 For example, not all member states criminalize in their national law all the offences listed in the Directive as terrorist offences.例如,并非所有成员国都在其本国法律中将该指令中列为恐怖主义罪行的所有罪行定为犯罪。

In addition, there are deficiencies in the measures that member states have taken to criminalize travel for terrorism purposes and the financing of terrorism, as well as to support victims.此外,成员国为将出于恐怖主义目的和资助恐怖主义行为的旅行定为刑事犯罪以及为受害者提供支持的措施也存在缺陷。 The Commission will continue to support member states in working towards full and correct transposition of the Directive.委员会将继续支持成员国努力全面,正确地转移该指令。 Where necessary, the Commission will make use of its powers under the Treaties through infringement procedures.在必要时,委员会将通过侵权程序利用其在条约下的权力。 The report will now be presented to the European Parliament and the Council.该报告现在将提交给欧洲议会和理事会。


EU Reporter 发表来自各种外部来源的文章,表达了广泛的观点。 这些文章中的立场不一定是欧盟记者的立场。
