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The European Commission has organized a round table meeting with industry experts, and public authorities and institutions at national and European level, to prepare a co-ordinated European response to tackling non-performing loans (NPLs) that are expected to increase over the coming months, as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.欧盟委员会组织了一次与行业专家以及国家和欧洲层面的公共当局和机构举行的圆桌会议,以准备欧洲对付不良贷款(NPLs)的协调响应,这种不良贷款预计将在未来几个月内增加,是冠状病毒大流行的结果。 In recent years, risks in the banking sector in Europe, as well as the level of近年来,欧洲银行业的风险以及 不良贷款得益于2008年金融危机后进行的改革,该费用已大大减少。


为人民服务的经济执行副总裁瓦尔迪斯·多姆布罗夫斯基斯(合照)说:“历史告诉我们,最好尽早果断地处理不良贷款,尤其是如果我们希望银行业继续支持欧洲经济。 We now have a window of opportunity to make sure that we are as well prepared as possible to tackle increased NPLs over the coming months.现在,我们有一个机会之窗,以确保我们已做好充分准备,以应对未来几个月内不断增加的不良贷款。 We need to jointly develop a strategy that focuses on making sure that banks are in a position to support the real recovery – people and businesses.我们需要共同制定一项战略,着重于确保银行有能力支持人员和企业的真正复苏。 I look forward to discussing the broad range of views in the roundtable meeting today.我期待在今天的圆桌会议上讨论广泛的观点。 These views will feed into our ongoing work in the Commission in developing a comprehensive approach to tackling non-performing loans in the EU.”这些观点将纳入我们在委员会中为制定解决欧盟不良贷款的综合方法而正在进行的工作。”

Topics for discussion in the round table included a possible approach to improve the usability of national Asset Management Companies (AMC), the state of play of the Commission's proposal for a Directive on credit servicers and credit purchasers, initiatives to improve data standardization and data infrastructure on secondary markets for NPLs, and a presentation of the Commission's recent proposal on the securitization of non-performing exposures (NPEs).圆桌会议上讨论的主题包括改善国家资产管理公司(AMC)可用性的可能方法,委员会关于信贷服务商和信贷购买者指令的提议的开展状况,改善数据标准化和数据基础设施的举措关于不良贷款的二级市场,并介绍了委员会最近关于不良资产证券化的提案。 The Commission will also organize an NPL expert group meeting with public sector stakeholders on 5 October.委员会还将于XNUMX月XNUMX日与公共部门利益相关者组织一次不良贷款专家小组会议。

常务副主席多姆布罗夫斯基斯发表讲话全文 在线.


EU Reporter 发表来自各种外部来源的文章,表达了广泛的观点。 这些文章中的立场不一定是欧盟记者的立场。
