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One of six MEPs we interviewed, Clare Daly MEP (Ireland), compared the current Bulgarian government to vampires feeding off EU money, “sucking the lifeblood out of Bulgarian society,” she said that the European Peoples' Party, in particular, had protected Borissov's government for too long and that it was time to face up to the blatant corruption and failure to adhere to the rule of law.她采访了六个欧洲议会议员之一,克莱尔·戴利(英语:Clare Daly MEP)(爱尔兰),将现任保加利亚政府与吸食欧盟资金的吸血鬼作了比较,“从保加利亚社会吸走了生命线,”她说,欧洲人民党特别保护鲍里索夫(Borissov)的政府任职时间过长,现在该是面对公然的腐败和不遵守法治的时候了。 'Brussels for Bulgaria' has organized weekly protests in Brussels since the protests began in July.自抗议活动于XNUMX月开始以来,“保加利亚的布鲁塞尔”组织了每周一次的抗议活动。

One of the organizers, Elena Bojilova, said that Bulgarians abroad want to show solidarity with their fellow countrymen: “We've had people join us from other cities from Ghent, from Antwerp.”组织者之一埃琳娜·波吉洛娃(Elena Bojilova)说,保加利亚的外国人要声援同胞:“我们有来自根特其他城市,安特卫普的人们加入我们的行列。” Bojilova explained that this phenomenon was also occurring in many other countries, “in Vienna, in London, in Canada in the United States, other European capitals.鲍吉洛娃(Bojilova)解释说,这种现象在其他许多国家也发生过,“在维也纳,在伦敦,在加拿大,在美国,在其他欧洲首都。 The fact that we are not physically in Bulgaria does not prevent us from supporting the efforts of our countrymen, and we fully support their demands which are for the resignation of the government, resignation of the Prosecutor General, reform rule of law and basically cleaning up the我们实际上不在保加利亚,这并不妨碍我们支持同胞的努力,我们完全支持他们的要求,包括政府辞职,总检察长辞职,改革法治和基本清理工作的

