

Horizo​​n Europe获准




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“地平线欧洲的研究,创新和科学计划将为欧洲带来经济复苏。但是,在制定地平线欧洲的政策目标时,公共机构和私营机构之间的伙伴关系必须发挥关键作用。” 写入 华为驻欧盟机构首席代表亚伯拉罕·刘康(Abraham Liukang)。

华为驻欧盟机构首席代表亚伯拉罕·刘康(Abraham Liukang)。


Horizo​​n Europe批准了。

EU Governments this week approved the legal texts that will give the formal go ahead to the new Horizon Europe programme.欧盟政府本周批准了法律文本,这些文本将正式启动新的“欧洲地平线”计划。 Negotiations will now shortly commence with the European Parliament to iron out any differences that exist between MEPS and EU governments.现在,谈判将很快与欧洲议会开始,以消除MEPS与欧盟政府之间存在的任何分歧。 The bottom line is this:- legislators and key stakeholder groups alike are working towards ensuring that the Horizon Europe programme can and will commence in January 2021.底线是:-立法者和主要利益相关者团体都在努力确保“地平线欧洲”计划能够并且将在XNUMX年XNUMX月开始。


Partnerships between public and private bodies will be a key element of Horizon Europe.公共机构和私营机构之间的合作伙伴关系将成为“地平线欧洲”的关键要素。 This is particularly the case when it comes to involving the ICT sector in Horizon Europe.当涉及到Horizo​​n Europe中的ICT部门时,尤其如此。 There are going to be a number of hardcore ICT public private partnerships that will build the next generation of smart services and networks (SNS) in Europe.将会有许多核心的ICT公私合作伙伴关系,将在欧洲建立下一代智能服务和网络(SNS)。 In reality, SNS will be the key vehicle that will be used to prepare Europe to introduce 6G later in this decade.实际上,SNS将成为关键的工具,将被用来为欧洲在本十年后期推出XNUMXG做准备。 There will also be a joint undertaking that will be devoted to improving the capability of Europe in the area of key digital technologies.还将进行一项联合工作,致力于提高欧洲在关键数字技术领域的能力。

ICT –带来积极变化的动力。

Horizo​​n Europe包含了一个包含技术组成部分的全部研究活动。 In other words, research and innovation actions weave through the whole of Horizon Europe from the sections of this programme that deal with basic science right through to the delivery of new ICT products into the marketplace.换句话说,研究和创新行动贯穿整个Horizo​​n Europe,从该计划的涉及基础科学的部分到将新的ICT产品推向市场的过程。



Horizo​​n Europe是一个开放计划。 This means that research consortia are open to participation for private, public, research, educational and public bodies from all countries around the world.这意味着研究财团对来自世界所有国家的私人,公共,研究,教育和公共机构开放参与。 In fact, organizations from circa 185 countries took part in Horizon 2020 during the past seven years alone.实际上,仅在过去的七年中,大约XNUMX个国家的组织参加了Horizo​​n XNUMX。

If one wants to develop the best products for the marketplace then one needs to co-operate with the best talent and expertise that exists within these specific fields.如果要开发适合市场的最佳产品,则需要与这些特定领域中存在的最佳人才和专业知识进行合作。 I welcome too the publication that was made by the European Commission today that will support the development of a common European research area (ERA).我也欢迎欧洲委员会今天发表的出版物,该出版物将支持欧洲共同研究领域(ERA)的发展。 We certainly do need a higher level of mobility of researchers in an out of Europe, including from third countries.我们当然确实需要更高水平的欧洲以外(包括第三国)的研究人员流动。 Reciprocity, transparency and openness must underpin the relationships that third countries from around the world have with the European Union on the research front.互惠,透明和开放必须巩固世界第三国与欧盟在研究方面的关系。


International organizations such as the OECD, the European Commission, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank all point to the economic benefits that accrue to countries from investing in basic and applied research.经合组织,欧洲委员会,国际货币基金组织和世界银行等国际组织都指出,投资基础研究和应用研究可为各国带来经济利益。 The EU leaders have set a target of investment into research and science at 3% GDP.欧盟领导人已设定了对科研和科学的投资目标,即GDP的XNUMX%。 This target can be achieved by fully rolling out the Horizon Europe initiative.可以完全实施“地平线欧洲”计划来实现此目标。 Research, innovation and science are economic instruments.研究,创新和科学是经济手段。

25% of all global research @ development is carried out in Europe.全球所有研发中有XNUMX%在欧洲进行。 This is a very strong foundation for Europe to build upon – as the EU seeks to strengthen it's industrial sector via the use of technology.这是欧洲赖以发展的坚实基础-欧盟寻求通过使用技术来加强其工业部门。

There are many global challenges that we all must face together.我们所有人必须共同面对许多全球挑战。 Co-operation and collaboration between public and private bodies from different countries around the world is an imperative if we are to successfully and effectively tackle these grand societal challenges.如果我们要成功和有效地应对这些巨大的社会挑战,那么来自世界不同国家的公共和私人机构之间的合作与协作就势在必行。

亚伯拉罕·刘康(Abraham Liukang)是华为在欧盟机构的首席代表。


EU Reporter 发表来自各种外部来源的文章,表达了广泛的观点。 这些文章中的立场不一定是欧盟记者的立场。
