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NCRI的主要成员小组, 伊朗人民圣战者组织(PMOI / MEK)过去三年来,伊朗一直是伊朗境内全国起义的主要推动力量,这些会议经常指出这一趋势,这是美国和欧盟帮助伊朗人民影响其家园的大规模变化的契机。

The latest such conference took place on Wednesday, October 7, 2020, organized by the Friends of the Free Iran (FOFI) in the European Parliament, and was specifically focused on the “correct policy” and the “political and ethical obligations” for European nations in the face of “ongoing crimes against humanity.”最近一次此类会议于XNUMX年XNUMX月XNUMX日星期三,由自由伊朗之友(FOFI)在欧洲议会组织,专门针对欧洲的“正确政策”和“政治和道德义务”面对“进行中的危害人类罪”。 Accordingly, it featured approximately three dozen members of the European Parliament, from different political groups who took a critical view of the current EU policy on Iran.因此,它有来自不同政治团体的大约三十二名欧洲议会议员,他们对当前欧盟对伊朗的政策持批判性看法。



They warned about the detreating human rights situation in Iran, in particular in view of the new wave of executions against Iranian dissidents and protesters, most notably the hanging of Navid Afkari, the Iranian wrestler who was hanged for taking part in the recent wave of anti-regime protests which have rocked Iran in the past two years.他们警告说,伊朗的人权状况正在恶化,特别是考虑到针对伊朗持不同政见者和抗议者的新一轮处决浪潮,最著名的是伊朗摔跤手纳维德·阿夫卡里(Navid Afkari)的绞刑,他因参加最近的反浪潮而被绞死过去两年来,伊朗政权的抗议活动震惊了整个伊朗。 MEPs urged a more robust policy on Iran with a focus on human rights.欧洲议会议员敦促对伊朗采取更强有力的政策,重点是人权。

A number of participants pointed to the important role the Iranian Resistance has played by referring to the 2018 Free Iran gathering in Paris, when Iranian regime operatives attempted to carry out a terrorist attack on that gathering, which was organized by the NCRI.一些参与者通过提及XNUMX年在巴黎举行的伊朗自由集会,指出了伊朗抵抗运动发挥的重要作用,当时伊朗政权特工试图对由NCRI组织的该集会进行恐怖袭击。 Though the terror plot was foiled with cooperation from multiple European authorities, it arguably went a long way toward exposing the close overlap between Iran's terrorist financing and its official foreign policy activities.尽管恐怖阴谋被多个欧洲当局的合作挫败了,但可以说它在揭露伊朗的恐怖主义融资与官方外交政策活动之间的密切重叠方面走了很长一段路。 And in so doing, it also seemed to demonstrate the extent to which the clerical regime views the Resistance movement as a genuine threat to its hold on power.这样看来,这似乎也表明了文职政权在多大程度上将抵抗运动视为对其执政的真正威胁。

马里亚姆·拉贾维,伊朗抵抗运动全国委员会的当选总统(NCRI), also addressed the online summit and proposed a three-pronged policy, which included, “Human rights for the people of Iran, comprehensive embargo of the religious dictatorship, and recognition of the Iranian people's Resistance for freedom and democracy,” the adoption of “a binding legislation, to expel the Iranian regime's agents from the European soil, shut down the regime's embassies in all EU member states, and designate the IRGC and its proxies in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and other countries as terrorist groups,” and “an independent international mission must investigate the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in Iran and the slaughter of more than 1,500 protesters by Khamenei during the November 2019 uprising.还对在线峰会发表了讲话,并提出了三管齐下的政策,其中包括:“伊朗人民的人权,全面实行宗教专政的禁运,以及承认伊朗人民对自由与民主的抵抗”,具有约束力的立法,以将伊朗政权的代理人赶出欧洲,关闭该政权在所有欧盟成员国的使馆,并将IRGC及其在伊拉克,叙利亚,黎巴嫩,也门和其他国家的代理人指定为恐怖组织。”和“独立的国际特派团必须调查XNUMX年XNUMX月起义期间伊朗屠杀XNUMX万名政治犯和哈梅内伊屠杀XNUMX多名抗议者的事件。 The mission must also investigate the condition of prisons and prisoners in Iran, particularly the political prisoners.特派团还必须调查伊朗监狱和囚犯的状况,特别是政治犯。 We demand the release of all political prisoners.我们要求释放所有政治犯。

This was certainly a message adopted by a number of participants in Wednesday's virtual conference, many of whom emphasized the significance of November 27 as the forthcoming start date for a trial in Belgium of the Iranian diplomat Assadollah Assadi.这当然是许多参加周三虚拟会议的与会者所传达的信息,其中许多人强调2018月XNUMX日作为即将在比利时进行伊朗外交官Assadollah Assadi审判的开始日期的重要性。 The third counselor at the Iranian embassy in Vienna, Assadi was identified as the mastermind behind the XNUMX terror plot, which was to involve the smuggling of high-explosives and a detonator into the NCRI rally, with the intention of killing the coalition's leader Maryam Rajavi, as well as any supporters in her immediate vicinity.伊朗驻维也纳大使馆的第三位顾问阿萨迪被确认为XNUMX年恐怖阴谋的策划者,该阴谋包括将高爆炸药和雷管走私到NCRI集会中,以杀死联盟的领导人Maryam Rajavi以及她附近的任何支持者。


Had the plot not been foiled, the list of casualties would have almost certainly included high-profile European and/or American dignitaries, possibly including some of the MEPs who also contributed remarks to Wednesday's conference.如果没有挫败这一阴谋,那么伤亡名单几乎肯定会包括欧洲和/或美国的著名政要,可能还包括一些也在周三的会议上发表讲话的欧洲议会议员。 Naturally, those participants are taking a personal interest in the Assadi case, but their latest commentary mostly emphasized the importance of holding the Iranian regime as a whole accountable for its long history of terrorism, terrorist financing, and human right violations both at home and abroad.当然,这些参与者对阿萨迪案有个人兴趣,但他们的最新评论主要强调使伊朗政权作为一个整体对其恐怖主义,恐怖主义融资和国内外侵犯人权行为负责的重要性。

Assadi's trial will be the first to formally implicate a professional Iranian diplomat in such terrorist activity, and supporters of the Iranian Resistance are hopeful that it will set the stage for a broader pattern of legal and diplomatic pressures on those who have played a direct role in some of Tehran's most serious malign activities.阿萨迪的审判将是首次正式将专业的伊朗外交官卷入此类恐怖活动,伊朗抵抗军的支持者希望,这将为在伊拉克直接发挥作用的人提供更大范围的法律和外交压力德黑兰一些最严重的恶性活动。 For those supporters, and certainly for the Resistance itself, no such pressures are more important than those which might lead to accountability for participation in the regime's massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in 1988.对于那些支持者,当然对反抗组织本身来说,没有任何此类压力比可能导致对XNUMX年政权屠杀XNUMX名政治犯的行为负责的压力更为重要。

32岁的危害人类罪始于“死亡委员会”在众多伊朗监狱中的召开,目的是镇压对神权制度的反对。 The MEK, in particular, became the focus of interrogation by those death commissions, and after a period of several months its members came to comprise the overwhelming majority of the approximately 30,000 victims.特别是,MEK成为那些死亡委员会审讯的重点,几个月后,其成员在大约XNUMX名受害者中占绝大多数。

To this day, no one has been held accountable for these killings.迄今为止,还没有人对这些杀戮负责。 Quite to the contrary, leading perpetrators have been rewarded repeatedly by their own government while being effectively ignored by Tehran's supposed foreign adversaries.恰恰相反,领先的肇事者屡屡受到本国政府的奖励,而实际上被德黑兰所谓的外国对手所忽视。 Today, those perpetrators include both the head of the Iranian judiciary and the nation's Justice Minister, alongside a host of other officials.今天,肇事者包括伊朗司法机构负责人和国家司法部长,以及其他许多官员。 And those figures now play a significant role in guiding the regime's strategy for confronting a Resistance movement that it failed to destroy 32 years earlier.这些数字现在在指导该政权应对抵抗运动的战略中发挥了重要作用,该运动在XNUMX年前未能摧毁。

Wednesday's conference highlighted this situation in order to suggest that it is in Western nations' own interest to confront Tehran's current and past crimes, because an enduring sense of impunity prompts hardline officials to make further attempts on the lives of Resistance leaders, risking collateral damage among Western nationals in the process.周三的会议强调了这种情况,以表明对抗德黑兰目前和过去的罪行符合西方国家的利益,因为持久的有罪不罚感促使强硬的官员对抵抗军领导人的生活作进一步的尝试,冒着附带损害的危险。西方国民在此过程中。 But conference participants also insisted that even in absence of such clear threats to their own security, Western governments would still have a responsibility to sanction and diplomatically isolate the Iranian regime for violently cracking down on the democratic Resistance.但是与会人员还坚持认为,即使没有对自身安全的明显威胁,西方政府仍然有责任制裁和外交隔离伊朗政权,以暴力镇压民主抵抗运动。



EU Reporter 发表来自各种外部来源的文章,表达了广泛的观点。 这些文章中的立场不一定是欧盟记者的立场。
