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12月27日星期六,2018岁的伊朗摔跤冠军纳维德·阿夫卡里(Navid Afkari)在XNUMX年XNUMX月的抗议活动中被捕,被伊朗政权在监狱中杀害。 In trumped up charges and with no evidence against him, they tortured Navid to force a confession.在无可辩驳的指控下,他们没有对他的任何证据,他们折磨了纳维德,以逼供认罪。 He shouted in court that he had been tortured and asked for any evidence against him, but they had none.他在法庭上大喊自己遭到了酷刑,并要求提供任何不利于他的证据,但没有任何证据。 Despite a mass online campaign led by Iranians themselves, which attracted support from the sporting world, world leaders and human rights organisations standing together to try to stop his execution, they killed him and forced his family to bury him in silence.尽管伊朗人领导的大规模在线运动吸引了体育界,世界各国领导人和人权组织的支持,以制止他的死刑,但他们还是杀死了他,并强迫他的家人将他埋葬。 He was denied due process, a fair trial and according to recent reports, severely tortured before his execution,根据最近的报道,他被剥夺了应有的程序,公正的审判,并且在执行死刑之前遭到了严重的酷刑, 写入 阿米尔·塞菲(Amir Seifi)。

他的杀人事件在媒体和国际上受到了广泛谴责,德国等国取消了伊朗外交部长贾里德·扎里夫(Javad Zarif)在该周计划的访问。

根据一个 联合国人权专家声明,纳维德(Navid)因参加抗议活动而被杀,这样做是为了向其他抗议者传达恐惧信息。

There are currently thousands of Navids in Iranian prisons for the crime of protesting a dictator.目前,伊朗监狱中有成千上万的纳维德人以抗议独裁者的罪名成立。 Amnesty International recently published a大赦国际最近发布了 令人震惊的报告 监狱中抗议者的命运,这使我们对我们在伊朗监狱中所处理的事情有了更好的了解。 

Navid's brothers, 35-year-old Vahid and 29-year-old Habib have been sentenced to a total of 81 years and lashes on fabricated charges with confessions obtained under torture.纳维德的兄弟,XNUMX岁的瓦希德(Vahid)和XNUMX岁的哈比卜(Habib)被判处共XNUMX年徒刑,并鞭打并鞭打鞭with,罪名是在酷刑下认罪。 Over the last months, Kurdish political prisoners Hedayat Abdullahpour, Diako Rasoulzadeh and Saber Sheikh-Abdullah as well as protester Mostafa Salehi were executed.在过去的几个月中,库尔德政治犯Hedayat Abdullahpour,Diako Rasoulzadeh和Saber Sheikh-Abdullah以及抗议者Mostafa Salehi被处决。 However, massive campaigns to stop the execution of five protesters in Isfahan and three in Tehran have so far been successful through international pressure.但是,迄今为止,在国际压力下,大规模的制止伊斯法罕和德黑兰五名抗议者和三名抗议者处决的运动取得了成功。 There are reports that at least thirty protesters are currently on death row in Iran that the human rights organisations know of.有报道说,人权组织知道伊朗目前至少有三十名抗议者在死囚牢房中。

The regime of Ayatollahs' horrendous human rights track record is well known to the world.阿亚图拉的可怕的人权往绩制度是举世闻名的。 In order to better understand the regime's nature, it is crucial to realise that the repression, torture and the massacre of people in Iran and destruction of countries in the Middle East by it, and over four decades of warmongering policy and spread of terrorism globally are two sides of the same coin.为了更好地理解该政权的性质,至关重要的是要认识到,伊朗对人民的镇压,酷刑和屠杀以及对中东国家的破坏以及长达四十年的制热政策和恐怖主义在全球范围内的蔓延是至关重要的。同一枚硬币的两侧。 The regime's extreme violence is enabled by allowing it to obtain finance and arms.该政权的极端暴力是通过允许其获得资金和武器来实现的。




A 最近 新闻稿, 英国伊朗自由委员会于22月250日透露,来自23个以上国家(主要来自欧洲国家和一些阿拉伯国家)的XNUMX多位议员支持 声明 呼吁“听取伊朗人民的声音”,敦促其各自政府采取必要步骤,以实施针对德黑兰政权的所有惩罚措施,特别是武器禁运。

The statement reads, “The Iranian regime has actively been involved in war-mongering activities in the region.声明中写道:“伊朗政权积极参与了该地区的战争宣传活动。 It is refusing to fully cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) over the JCPOA and is clearly violating many clauses of the JCPOA and the Resolution 2231 of the UN Security Council including the degree of Uranium enrichment, its accumulation and the number of centrifuges.”它拒绝就JCPOA与国际原子能机构(IAEA)全面合作,并且明显违反了JCPOA和联合国安理会第XNUMX号决议的许多条款,包括铀浓缩程度,其积累和离心机数量。 。”

The Iranian people have repeatedly cried out in their street protests that they need their national wealth to be spent on the people's welfare and basic public services particularly at present in confronting Covid-19.伊朗人民在街头抗议活动中一再呼吁,他们需要将自己的国家财富用于人民的福利和基本公共服务,特别是在面对Covid-XNUMX时。 They do not need Uranium enrichment facilities;他们不需要铀浓缩设施。 they do not favour ballistic missiles programs;他们不赞成弹道导弹计划; they denounce expenditure of their money for war-mongering activities and meddling in the Middle East countries,” reads the statement.他们谴责把钱花在进行战争活动和干预中东国家上。”

The statement adds, “We support the call by the leader of the Iranian Resistance that the country does not need two armies.声明补充说:“我们支持伊朗抵抗运动领导人的呼吁,即该国不需要两军。 IRGC must be disbanded and the money allocated to the IRGC and its destructive programs must be spent to improve people's life.”必须解散IRGC,必须将分配给IRGC及其破坏性计划的资金用于改善人们的生活。”

纳尔逊·曼德拉(Nelson Mandela)在他的著名演讲“我们向自由迈进是不可逆转的”(开普敦,11年1990月XNUMX日)中说:



阿米尔·塞菲(Amir Seifi)是欧盟公民,目前居住于 爱尔兰,最初来自伊朗。 他是一名工程经理和一名人权活动家。 在1999年学生起义之后,他不得不与他的家人一起离开伊朗,他的家人自我在伊朗童年时代以来就一直是政治活动家和囚犯。 

以上文章中表达的所有观点仅是作者的观点,并不代表作者的任何观点。 欧盟记者.


EU Reporter 发表来自各种外部来源的文章,表达了广泛的观点。 这些文章中的立场不一定是欧盟记者的立场。
