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The Commission has approved an approximately €110 million (£100m) “umbrella” scheme to support enterprises of all sizes in Gibraltar.欧盟委员会已经批准了一项大约XNUMX亿欧元(XNUMX亿英镑)的“伞”计划,以支持直布罗陀的各种规模的企业。 The scheme was approved under the该计划是根据 临时框架。 The measure aims to provide liquidity to undertakings operating in Gibraltar affected by the coronavirus outbreak, facilitate their access to external finance, and support the development of coronavirus relevant activities.该措施旨在为受冠状病毒爆发影响的直布罗陀企业提供流动资金,便利其获得外部资金,并支持发展与冠状病毒有关的活动。

根据该计划,直布罗陀当局可以以下形式提供公共支持:(i)有限的援助(以直接赠款,可偿还预付款和税收优惠形式),每家公司最多800,000万欧元; (ii)贷款担保; (iii)贷款利率补贴; (iv)协助冠状病毒相关的研究与开发(R&D); (v)投资援助,用于建设或升级有助于开发冠状病毒相关产品的测试和升级基础设施; (vi)投资援助,用于生产应对冠状病毒爆发所需的产品。

The measure is open to companies active in all sectors except the financial, agriculture and fishery and aquaculture sectors.该措施对除金融,农业,渔业和水产养殖部门以外的所有部门活跃的公司开放。 Aid is granted under the measure either directly or, as concerns aid in form of guarantees and subsidised interest rates for loans, through credit institutions and other financial institutions as financial intermediaries.根据该措施,可以直接提供援助,也可以通过信贷机构和其他金融机构(作为金融中介机构)以担保和贷款补贴利率的形式提供援助。 The Commission found that the scheme is in line with the conditions set out in the Temporary Framework.The Commission concluded that the measure is necessary, appropriate and proportionate to remedy a serious disturbance in the economy of a member state and to fight the health crisis, in line with Article 107(3)(b), Article 107(3)(c) TFEU and with the conditions set out in the Temporary Framework.食典委认为该计划符合《临时框架》中规定的条件。食典委得出结论认为,该措施是必要,适当和适当的,以纠正成员国经济的严重动荡并应对健康危机,符合TFEU第XNUMX(XNUMX)(b)条,第XNUMX(XNUMX)(c)条以及《临时框架》中规定的条件。 On this basis, the Commission has approved the measure under EU state aid rules.在此基础上,委员会已根据欧盟国家援助规则批准了该措施。

可以找到有关《临时框架》和委员会为解决冠状病毒大流行的经济影响而采取的其他行动的更多信息。 此处。 该决定的非机密版本将在以下案例中以案例号SA.57617提供: 国家援助公共案件登记簿 在委员会的 竞争 网站一旦任何保密问题得到解决。


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