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COVID-19大流行使整个世界陷入了危险的深渊。 Both US and European Union - two major global economics - nervously calculate their current and coming losses.美国和欧盟这两个全球主要经济体都紧张地计算了当前和未来的损失。 The figures are tough and scary.这些数字是令人生畏的。 Recess in all branches of industry, business and other vital spheres of life is obvious, plus enormously growing unemployment,工业,商业和其他重要生活领域的所有部门都明显出现了衰退,加上失业率急剧上升, 莫斯科记者亚历克斯·伊万诺夫(Alex Ivanov)写道。

Almost the same situation exists in Russia.俄罗斯几乎存在同样的情况。 One should add low oil prices to a long list of hardships that the vibrant Russian economy will have to deal with very soon.人们应该将低油价添加到一连串的困境中,而充满生机的俄罗斯经济将必须尽快解决。 Analysts predict that Russia will suffer the worst (since 1992) GDP fall of up to 20%, while similar estimates regarding the US and EU are balancing at 7-12%.分析家预测,自XNUMX年以来,俄罗斯将遭受最严重的GDP下降,跌幅高达XNUMX%,而有关美国和欧盟的类似估计,则为XNUMX-XNUMX%。 At the same time, many Russian economists are visibly discreet in their forecasts regarding the sad consequences of the situation in the country.同时,许多俄罗斯经济学家对俄罗斯局势的悲惨后果显然保持谨慎。 They cautiously claim that all previous steps and actions from the government were “quite sufficient” and “helpful”.他们谨慎地声称,政府先前采取的所有步骤和行动都是“足够”和“有益”的。

But being compared to a size of relevant allocations made by leading Western states like Germany, Great Britain and USA the estimated spendings which not exceed 3% of Russian GDP look rather modest.但是,与德国,英国和美国等西方主要国家的相关拨款规模相比,估计支出不超过俄罗斯GDP的XNUMX%显得相当适度。 Former Vice-Premier and one of the leading Russian economy experts Arkady Dvorkovich recently said that “the crisis in Russia has only started and it hasn't touched yet the major branches of the country's economy”.前副总理兼俄罗斯主要经济专家之一阿卡迪·德沃科维奇(Arkady Dvorkovich)最近表示:“俄罗斯的危机才刚刚开始,尚未触及该国经济的主要分支”。 That means that the worst negative developments are yet to come in a few months.这意味着几个月后最严重的负面发展仍未到来。

最近几天在莫斯科积极讨论的最新和最令人惊讶的事态发展是,俄罗斯政府首脑米哈伊尔·米舒斯汀(Mikhail Mishustin)被送往COVID -19诊断阳性的医院。


莫斯科市长谢尔盖·索比亚宁(Sergey Sobyanin)与俄罗斯政府一起采取紧急措施,遏制和减轻了俄罗斯主要城市可能出现的经济和社会不适以及损失。

While looking surprisingly empty, with closed shopping molls, cafes, restaurants, barbershops and most governmental institutions, Moscow in fact leads a rather active business life which becomes obvious during rush hours (early morning and late at night) with crowds at all subway entrances.莫斯科虽然空无一人,周围都是封闭的购物商场,咖啡馆,饭店,理发店和大多数政府机构,但实际上却过着相当活跃的商业生活,在繁忙时间(清晨和深夜),地铁的各个入口处都挤满了人。 People present their so-called “passes” without which one will be fined by authorities for illegally leaving home.人们出示所谓的“通行证”,否则,当局会因非法离开家园而对其处以罚款。 Millions of Moscow inhabitants are still working to make their living, inevitably taking a huge risk of being infected with the new virus.数以百万计的莫斯科居民仍在努力谋生,不可避免地冒着感染新病毒的巨大风险。 The figures of newly detected cases are impressive and exceed 10.000 per day.新发现病例的数字令人印象深刻,每天超过XNUMX。


普京总统与俄罗斯政府成员和地区负责人每天都在讨论必要的救济措施。 在主要问题上,许多医院的状况仍然很差,缺乏检测,医用口罩和防护服。 最近招募了许多医学院的学生帮助他们在医院的大学。 全国各地的医生和护士几乎每天都有悲惨的死亡消息传出。

The latest statement by Russian Health Minister Mikhail Murashko, who has denied that the country had already passed the pandemic peak, prove that Russian officials are very accurate with making positive predictions.俄罗斯卫生部长穆拉什科(Mikhail Murashko)的最新声明否认该国已经超过了大流行高峰,这证明俄罗斯官员非常准确,做出了积极的预测。 President Putin said that an unnecessary rush with lifting strict quarantine measures could be detrimental: “The price of a small mistake is the security, life and well-being of our people.”普京总统说,取消严格的检疫措施是不必要的仓促,这可能是有害的:“小失误的代价是我们人民的安全,生命和福祉。”


EU Reporter 发表来自各种外部来源的文章,表达了广泛的观点。 这些文章中的立场不一定是欧盟记者的立场。
