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Mairead McGuinness(左)和Valdis Dombrovskis 

Mairead McGuinness和Valdis Dombrovskis将在周五(2月XNUMX日)出席议会委员会会议,然后就欧盟委员会的变动进行全体投票。

 经济和货币事务委员会 将于2月9日欧洲中部时间XNUMX点与Mairead McGuinness(爱尔兰)举行听证会,以评估她是否适合担任负责金融服务,金融稳定和资本市场联盟的专员。

Valdis Dombrovskis (Latvia), who is the executive Vice-President of the Commission, is proposed to assume responsibility for trade and is invited to a hearing on the same day at 13.00.建议委员会执行副主席瓦尔迪斯·多姆布罗夫斯基斯(拉脱维亚)承担贸易责任,并应邀于当天XNUMX:XNUMX举行听证会。 The meeting will be organized by the该会议将由 国际贸易委员会 外事委员会经济和货币事务委员会 发展委员会 和 预算委员会。 As Dombrovskis is already a member of the Commission, he will only face questions on his suitability for the new portfolio.由于Dombrovskis已经是委员会的成员,因此他仅会面临他是否适合新投资组合的问题。


委员会改组后, 贸易专员Phil Hogan辞职 在八月底。

麦坚尼斯(McGuinness)自2004年以来担任欧洲议会议员,自2014年以来一直担任议会副主席。拉脱维亚前总理瓦尔迪斯·多姆布罗夫斯基斯(Valdis Dombrovskis)自2014年以来一直担任委员会副主席。




该过程类似于 选举委员会 at the start of each term.在每学期开始时。 First, the首先, 法律事务委员会 examines a candidate's declaration of financial interests to confirm the absence of conflict of interests.检查候选人的经济利益声明,以确认没有利益冲突。 This is a precondition for holding a hearing with the candidate.这是与候选人举行听证会的前提。

The hearing is then organized by the committees dealing with the portfolio of each candidate.然后由负责处理每个候选人作品集的委员会组织听证会。 Before it starts, the candidate needs to answer some questions in writing.在开始之前,候选人需要书面回答一些问题。 The hearing lasts three hours and is streamed live.听证会持续三个小时,并进行现场直播。 After the hearing the responsible committee or committees prepare an evaluation letter.听证后,负责任的一个或多个委员会准备评估信。

The Conference of Committee Chairs, which includes all chairs of parliamentary committees, will then assess the outcome of the two hearings and forward its conclusions to the leaders of the political groups and the President of Parliament in the Conference of Presidents.委员会主席会议包括议会委员会的所有主席,然后将评估两次听证会的结果,并将其结论转发给总统会议中各政治团体的领导人和议会主席。 The latter are responsible for the final evaluation and decision to close the hearings or request further action.后者负责最终评估和决定结束听证会或要求采取进一步行动。 Parliament can then proceed to the plenary vote.议会然后可以进行全体表决。

Procedurally, the Parliament has a consultative role on individual candidates for commissioners, while it can approve or dismiss the European Commission as a whole.从程序上讲,议会在任命专员方面具有咨询作用,同时可以批准或解散整个欧洲委员会。 An agreement between Parliament and Commission requires the Commission president to consider the opinion of Parliament on individual candidates and changes in the composition of the Commission.议会与委员会达成一项协议,要求委员会主席考虑议会对个别候选人的看法以及委员会组成的变化。

As always, when Parliament votes on individual candidates, votes are held by secret ballot.与往常一样,当议会对个别候选人进行投票时,将通过无记名投票进行投票。 A simple majority of votes cast is required to establish Parliament's position.需要简单的多数票就可以确定议会的立场。

按照 听证会在网站上直播.


EU Reporter 发表来自各种外部来源的文章,表达了广泛的观点。 这些文章中的立场不一定是欧盟记者的立场。
