






Both parties are bound by the obligation to co-operate in good faith in carrying out the tasks stemming from the Withdrawal Agreement and must refrain from any measures which could jeopardise the attainment of those objectives.双方都有义务真诚合作以执行退出协议所产生的任务,并且必须避免采取任何可能危害实现这些目标的措施。 The UK government tabled the UK Internal Market Bill on 9 September the Commission consider this a flagrant violation of the Protocol on Ireland Northern Ireland, as it would allow the UK authorities to disregard the legal effect of the Protocol's substantive provisions.英国政府于XNUMX月XNUMX日提交了《英国内部市场法案》,委员会认为这是对《北爱尔兰爱尔兰议定书》的公然违反,因为这将使英国当局无视《议定书》实质性条款的法律效力。 Representatives of the UK government have acknowledged this violation, stating that its purpose was to allow it to depart in a permanent way from the obligations stemming from the Protocol.英国政府的代表承认这一违反行为,指出其目的是使它永久脱离《议定书》规定的义务。

The UK government has failed to withdraw the contentious parts of the Bill, despite requests by the European Union.尽管欧盟提出要求,英国政府仍未能撤回该法案中有争议的部分。 By doing so, the UK has breached its obligation to act in good faith, as set out in Article 5 of the Withdrawal Agreement.这样做违反了《退出协议》第1条所规定的诚实行事的义务。 Next steps The UK has until the end of this month to submit its observations to the letter of formal notice.下一步英国必须在本月底之前将其意见提交正式通知书。 After examining these observations, or if no observations have been submitted, the Commission may, if appropriate, decide to issue a Reasoned Opinion.在审查了这些意见之后,或者如果尚未提交意见,委员会可以酌情决定发布合理意见。 Background The Withdrawal Agreement was ratified by both the EU and the UK.背景信息退出协议已获得欧盟和英国的批准。 It entered into force on 2020 February XNUMX and has legal effects under international law.它于XNUMX年XNUMX月XNUMX日生效,并根据国际法具有法律效力。

Following the publication by the UK government of the draft 'United Kingdom Internal Market Bill' on 9 September 2020, Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič called for an extraordinary meeting of the EU-UK Joint Committee to request the UK government to elaborate on its intentions and to respond to the EU's serious concerns.在英国政府于10年XNUMX月XNUMX日发布“英国内部市场法案”草案之后,副主席MarošŠefčovič要求召开欧盟-英国联合委员会特别会议,要求英国政府详细说明其意图和措施。回应欧盟的严重关切。 The meeting took place in London on XNUMX September between Michael Gove, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, and Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič.这次会议于XNUMX月XNUMX日在伦敦举行,兰开斯特公国大臣迈克尔·戈夫(Michael Gove)与副总统马洛什·舍夫乔维奇(MarošŠefčovič)举行了会议。

At the meeting, Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič stated that if the Bill were to be adopted, it would constitute an extremely serious violation of the Withdrawal Agreement and of international law.在会议上,副主席MarošŠefčovič表示,如果该法案获得通过,将严重违反《撤出协议》和国际法。 He called on the UK government to withdraw these measures from the draft Bill in the shortest time possible and in any case by the end of the month of September.他呼吁英国政府在最短的时间内(无论如何要在28月底之前)从法案草案中撤回这些措施。 At the third ordinary meeting of the Joint Committee on 2020 September XNUMX, Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič again called on the UK government to withdraw the contentious measures from the bill.在XNUMX年XNUMX月XNUMX日的联合委员会第三次常会上,副总统马洛什·舍夫乔维奇再次呼吁英国政府从该法案中撤回有争议的措施。



