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Under the Paris agreement, the EU has committed to carbon neutrality by the second half of the 21st century.根据巴黎协定,欧盟已承诺在XNUMX世纪下半叶实现碳中和。 What does it mean in practice?实际上是什么意思? 气候变化已经影响到整个世界,极端天气条件(例如干旱,热浪, 大雨,洪水 and landslides becoming more frequent, including in Europe.包括欧洲在内的山体滑坡变得越来越频繁。 Other consequences of the rapidly changing climate include rising sea levels, ocean acidification and loss of biodiversity.气候迅速变化的其他后果包括海平面上升,海洋酸化和生物多样性丧失。

为了将全球变暖限制在1.5摄氏度(政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)建议的一个安全阈值),到21世纪中叶实现碳中和至关重要。 该目标也已在 巴黎协议 由195个国家(包括欧盟)签署。

2019年XNUMX月,欧盟委员会提交了 欧洲绿色交易,其旗舰计划旨在到2050年使欧洲的气候保持中立。

  • 尽快达到全球温室气体排放峰值。
  • 迅速减少。


碳中和是指在碳汇中释放碳与从大气中吸收碳之间达到平衡。 从大气中除去碳氧化物然后进行存储被称为碳固存。 为了实现净零排放,必须通过固碳来平衡全球所有温室气体的排放。

Carbon sink is any system that absorbs more carbon than it emits.碳汇是吸收比释放的碳更多的任何系统。 The main natural carbon sinks are soil,主要的天然碳汇是土壤, 森林 and oceans.和海洋。 According to estimates, natural sinks remove据估计,天然水槽消除了 每年9.5至11 Gt的二氧化碳。 Annual global CO2 emissions reached年度全球二氧化碳排放量达到 37.1亿吨 


The carbon stored in natural sinks such as forests is released into the atmosphere through forest fires, changes in land use or logging.储存在森林等自然汇中的碳通过森林大火,土地利用变化或伐木而释放到大气中。 This is why it is essential to这就是为什么它对 减少碳排放 为了达到气候中和。



Another way to reduce emissions and to pursue carbon neutrality is to offset emissions made in one sector by reducing them somewhere else.减少排放和追求碳中和的另一种方法是通过减少其他部门的排放来抵消一个部门的排放。 This can be done through investment in这可以通过投资于 再生能源能源效率 or other clean, low-carbon technologies.或其他清洁的低碳技术。 The EU's欧盟的 排放交易系统(ETS) 是碳补偿系统的一个例子。


The European Union is committed to an ambitious climate policy.欧洲联盟致力于制定雄心勃勃的气候政策。 Under the Green Deal it aims to become continent that removes as many CO2 emissions as it produces by 2050. This goal will become legally binding if the European Parliament and Council adopt the new Climate Law.根据《绿色协议》,其目标是到2030年消除二氧化碳排放量的大陆。如果欧洲议会和理事会通过新的气候法,该目标将具有法律约束力。 The EU's interim emission reduction target for 40 would also be updated from the current XNUMX% reduction to a more ambitious one.欧盟的XNUMX年中期减排目标也将从目前的XNUMX%减排目标更新为更大的目标。

议会环境委员会于11月XNUMX日投票 到2050年实现气候中和 and of a 60% emission reduction target by 2030 compared to the 1990 level - more ambitious than the Commission's initial proposal of 50-55%.与2040年的水平相比,到XNUMX年实现XNUMX%的减排目标-比委员会最初提出的XNUMX-XNUMX%的目标更加宏大。 Committee members are calling for the Commission to set an additional interim target for XNUMX to ensure progress towards the final goal.委员会成员呼吁委员会为XNUMX年设定另一个临时目标,以确保朝着最终目标迈进。

In addition, committee members called for all EU countries individually to become climate neutral and insisted that after 2050, more CO2 should be removed from atmosphere than is emitted.此外,委员会成员呼吁所有欧盟国家单独实现气候中和,并坚持认为,到2025年之后,大气中的二氧化碳排放量应超过排放量。 Also, all direct or indirect subsidies to fossil fuels should be phased out by XNUMX at the latest.另外,最迟应在XNUMX年之前淘汰对化石燃料的所有直接或间接补贴。





EU Reporter 发表来自各种外部来源的文章,表达了广泛的观点。 这些文章中的立场不一定是欧盟记者的立场。
