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正如最近所预见的那样,委员会已发出征集建议的呼吁,要求提供9万欧元,以进一步加强对事实检查员和研究人员的支持 联合沟通 to reinforce actions against disinformation.加强针对虚假信息的行动。 It will extend the reach of the它将扩大 欧洲数字媒体天文台 through the establishment of national fact-checking hubs.通过建立国家事实核查中心。 These hubs will analyse disinformation campaigns and their impact on society, promote media literacy and monitor online platforms' policies.这些中心将分析虚假信息活动及其对社会的影响,提高媒体素养,并监控在线平台的政策。

Values and Transparency Vice President Věra Jourová said: “A resilient and critical society is what we need to fight against disinformation.价值观和透明度副总统维拉·朱罗瓦(VěraJourová)表示:“我们需要一个具有韧性和批判性的社会来打击虚假信息。 This is an important strand of our strategy and for this, we need to support free and independent media, fact checkers and researchers.这是我们策略的重要组成部分,为此,我们需要支持自由和独立的媒体,事实检查人员和研究人员。 We will do so by reinforcing the European Digital Media Observatory, backing the development of national digital media research hubs that will improves our ability to understand the spread of online disinformation.”我们将通过加强欧洲数字媒体天文台,支持国家数字媒体研究中心的发展来做到这一点,这将提高我们了解在线虚假信息传播的能力。”

Internal Market Commissioner Thierry Breton added: “I welcome the launch of this call to establish national fact-checking hubs to support and extend the work of the European Digital Media Observatory.内部市场专员蒂埃里·布雷顿(Thierry Breton)补充说:“我欢迎发起这一呼吁,以建立国家事实检查中心,以支持和扩展欧洲数字媒体天文台的工作。 False and misleading information takes different national nuances from one member state to another.虚假和误导性的信息从一个成员国到另一个成员国都需要不同的国家差异。 That is why EU funds are need to help tackle false information not only at an EU level, but also on a national level.”因此,欧盟资金不仅需要在欧盟范围内,而且还要在国家范围内帮助解决虚假信息。”

天文台 开始活动 on 1 June 2020 and supports the creation and growth of a multidisciplinary community composed of fact-checkers, academic researchers and other relevant stakeholders with expertise in the field of online disinformation.并于XNUMX年XNUMX月XNUMX日成立,并支持由事实检查人员,学术研究人员和其他相关利益相关者组成的多学科社区的建立和发展,这些专家具有在线虚假信息领域的专业知识。 As such, it contributes to a deeper understanding of disinformation relevant actors and dynamics, as well as their impact on society.因此,它有助于更​​深入地了解虚假信息的相关参与者和动态,以及它们对社会的影响。 This second phase of the project is funded through the该项目的第二阶段由 连接欧洲设施 financing programme.筹资方案。 The deadline for submissions is 5 November 2020. To learn more, click提交截止日期为XNUMX年XNUMX月XNUMX日。要了解更多信息,请单击 点击此处.


EU Reporter 发表来自各种外部来源的文章,表达了广泛的观点。 这些文章中的立场不一定是欧盟记者的立场。
