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欧盟委员会已将提议草案延长至30年2021月XNUMX日,以征询成员国的意见。 国家援助临时框架, adopted on 19 March 2020 to support the economy in the context of the coronavirus outbreak, and adjust its scope.于31年2020月XNUMX日通过,旨在在冠状病毒爆发的背景下支持经济并调整其范围。 As already announced at the time of its adoption, the Commission is now assessing the need to prolong the Temporary Framework beyond its current validity until XNUMX December XNUMX, based on important competition policy or economic considerations.正如通过时所宣布的那样,委员会现在正在根据重要的竞争政策或经济考虑,评估是否需要将《临时框架》的有效期延长至XNUMX年XNUMX月XNUMX日。


Member states now have the possibility to comment on the Commission's draft proposal.成员国现在可以对委员会的提案草案发表评论。 Executive Vice President Margrethe Vestager, in charge of competition policy, said: “Over the past seven months, our State Aid Temporary Framework has paved the way for almost €3 trillion of member state potential support to businesses hit hardest by the coronavirus crisis.负责竞争政策的执行副总裁玛格丽特·韦斯特格(Margrethe Vestager)表示:“在过去的七个月中,我们的国家援助临时框架为成员国提供了将近XNUMX万亿欧元的潜在支持,以支持遭受冠状病毒危机打击最严重的企业。 The effects of the crisis will stay with us for a while.危机的影响将持续一段时间。 That's why we are proposing to prolong the Temporary Framework until mid-next year and adjust it to continued needs of businesses, while protecting the EU's Single Market.这就是为什么我们提议将临时框架延长至明年年中,并根据企业的持续需求进行调整,同时保护欧盟的单一市场。 We will decide on the way forward taking into account the views of all member states.我们将考虑所有成员国的意见来决定前进的方向。 In parallel, we are working on the way forward to enable Europe's green and digital recovery – our state aid rules will play an important role guiding member states to ensure that limited public funds are well targeted, do not crowd out private investments and seize the benefits of effective competition."同时,我们正在为实现欧洲的绿色和数字复苏而努力—我们的国家援助规则将在指导成员国确保有限的公共资金有针对性,不排挤私人投资并抓住收益方面发挥重要作用。有效竞争。”

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