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符合预期 欧盟对俄罗斯的制裁 对于阿列克谢·纳瓦尼(Alexey Navalny), 巨魔工厂 在线新闻媒体报道,处理虚假信息和声名狼藉(尤其是离开该国的企业家)的活动更加活跃 德国环球公司

Under the fire have become natives of Ukraine – Mikhail Openheim and Ruslan Goryukhin.在大火之下,已经成为乌克兰人–米哈伊尔(Mikhail Openheim)和罗斯兰(Ruslan Goryukhin)。 Several journalists from some German media, who asked not to be named for fear of harming their careers, received identical messages via personal social networks about contacts of these businessmen with pro-Kremlin structures.来自一些德国媒体的几位记者因不愿透露姓名而担心伤害自己的职业,因此通过个人社交网络收到了有关这些商人与克里姆林宫结构的联系的相同信息。 While trying to verify, the information was not confirmed either by documents or by sources.尝试验证时,无论是文档还是来源都未确认该信息。


工作计划与以前完全相同 在美国较早使用的 when representatives of media outlets received through Twitter and Facebook messages with laudatory reviews of their work, and without specifying the exact materials of the authors, it looks like the text was intended for mass use.当媒体机构的代表通过Twitter和Facebook消息收到对他们的工作进行了好评的评论,并且没有指定作者的确切材料时,该文本似乎是为大众使用而设计的。 Then they immediately sent links to compromiser-sites in the Russian Federation, which, as it is know, earn on customers who want to ruin the life of competitors.然后,他们立即将链接发送到俄罗斯联邦的入侵者站点,众所周知,这些站点是在想要破坏竞争对手生命的客户身上赚钱的。 Also suggestions are made that denigrate the authorities, organizations, and the mentioned business representatives.还提出了贬低主管部门,组织和所提到的业务代表的建议。


It turned out that this is not the first attack on entrepreneurs after the introduction of anti-Russian sanctions.事实证明,这不是在引入反俄制裁之后对企业家的首次攻击。 Previously, SWR and Berliner Zeitung were misled,以前,SWR和Berliner Zeitung被误导了, 根据法院命令被迫从现场移走材料。 该决定为德国市场开创了先例,该问题在 德国国会–在联邦议院。 德国议员要求 财政部的报告。 The Deputy Finance Minister at the session of the Bundestag gave a report that the financial intelligence, the financial service checked the information and see no reason for such statements to be present in the media.联邦议院副财政部长在一份报告中表示,金融情报机构,金融服务机构已检查了该信息,并认为没有理由在媒体上发表此类声明。

根据最新资料, Ruslan Goryukhin五年前离开了大企业 并致力于兴趣爱好,以及 Mikhail Openheim开始了慈善项目, including the popularization of modern art through the support of young artists.包括在年轻艺术家的支持下现代艺术的普及。 Both entrepreneurs have been living with their families in Switzerland for several years.两位企业家都在瑞士与家人生活了几年。






EU Reporter 发表来自各种外部来源的文章,表达了广泛的观点。 这些文章中的立场不一定是欧盟记者的立场。
