

EAPM –明确考虑COVID-19,为12月XNUMX日举行的欧盟轮值主席国会议做好一切准备:立即注册!




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Welcome, one and all, to the second European Alliance for Personalised Medicine (EAPM) update of the week.欢迎大家参加本周的第二次欧洲个性化医学联盟(EAPM)更新。 Truly, Europe as a whole, and certainly key nations, seem unclear as to where they stand on coronavirus restrictions, which are applicable and necessary, and which are not,的确,整个欧洲,当然也包括主要国家,对于冠状病毒限制的立场似乎尚不清楚,这些限制适用和必要,哪些不适用, 写EAPM执行董事丹尼斯·霍根。


伟大的作家乔治·奥威尔(George Orwell)在1945年的论文中 政治与英语, wrote that “to think clearly is a necessary first step towards political regeneration”.写道,“清晰思考是实现政治复兴的必要第一步”。 And so, therefore, where exactly do we stand as far as 'clear thinking' is concerned on COVID-19?因此,就COVID-XNUMX而言,“清晰思维”到底应放在什么位置? There can be no doubt that the pandemic has placed research and higher education sectors squarely before the public attention.毫无疑问,这种流行病已经使研究和高等教育领域摆在公众关注的前面。 The capacity of all laboratories has been absolutely vital as far as diagnostic testing is concerned, while those in the know on infectious diseases, epidemiology, public health, mathematical modelling, and economics have taken a large portion of national policy making and media coverage.就诊断测试而言,所有实验室的能力绝对至关重要,而那些具有传染病,流行病学,公共卫生,数学建模和经济学知识的实验室则占据了国家政策制定和媒体报道的大部分。 



And the upcoming EAPM German EU Presidency Conference, just a few days away on 12 October, will certainly be hoping to offer clear thinking on the vital issues concerning COVID-19.即将于XNUMX月XNUMX日举行几天的EAPM德国欧盟轮值主席会议肯定会希望就与COVID-XNUMX有关的重大问题提出清晰的想法。 Keynote speakers will doubtless acknowledge that health systems must include several multidimensional and interacting pillars, and each of these pillars must be strengthened and reinforced.主旨发言者无疑将承认,卫生系统必须包括几个多维的相互作用的支柱,并且必须加强和加强这些支柱中的每一个。 A workforce with the skills, training, experience, relationships, and networks that are necessary for excellent research excellence, as well as the necessary resources, and multidisciplinary perspectives that are supported by science.一支拥有卓越研究卓越所需的技能,培训,经验,关系和网络的劳动力,以及必要的资源和科学支持的多学科观点。 The virtual conference is still very much open to all attendees –虚拟会议仍然对所有与会者开放- 有一些很棒的主旨演讲者排队,已经有150位嘉宾注册,但是,由于这是一次“虚拟”会议,因此人数没有限制,所以现在就注册。 请找到链接 此处 注册,议程是 此处.

冯·德·莱恩(Von der Leyen)在葡萄牙暴露于病例后,COVID-19呈阴性 


她的发言人说,委员会主席乌尔苏拉·冯·德·莱恩(Ursula von der Leyen)对COVID-19的测试结果为阴性。 领导人在星期一早上(5月XNUMX日)说,她将与与该病毒测试呈阳性的人接触后,将自己隔离直到星期二。 专员玛丽亚·加布里埃尔(Mariya Gabriel)在等待电晕测试结果时也正在隔离。


Ghebreyesus补充说:“我们将需要疫苗,希望到今年年底我们可能会接种疫苗。有希望。” He was addressing the end of a two-day meeting of its Executive Board on the pandemic Nine experimental vaccines are in the pipeline of the WHO-led COVAX global vaccine facility that aims to distribute 19 billion doses by the end of 6.他在执行委员会关于大流行病的为期两天的会议上致辞时说,世卫组织领导的COVAX全球疫苗设施正在筹划九种实验疫苗,该设施旨在到2年底分发2021亿剂。


在5月XNUMX日星期一世卫组织执行委员会的会议上, 德国(代表欧盟发言)说,欧盟将“荣幸地发起一个包容各方的进程,以讨论如何最好地与评估和改革机制密切磋商将这些提案整合在一起”。


法国: University lecture halls in the capital must be no more than half full, and working from home has to be prioritized.首都的大学演讲厅必须满员不得超过一半,必须优先处理在家工作。 Face coverings are compulsory in enclosed public spaces throughout France, while specific areas have introduced additional rules.整个法国在封闭的公共场所都必须使用面部遮盖物,而特定区域还引入了其他规定。 In Paris and surrounding areas, face coverings must be worn outdoors by anyone aged 11 and over.在巴黎及周边地区,XNUMX岁及以上的人必须在户外佩戴面罩。 Hundreds of other municipalities across France have the same rule, including Toulouse, Nice, Lille and Lyon.法国其他数百个城市也有同样的规定,包括图卢兹,尼斯,里尔和里昂。 

比利时: 从周五(9月23日)起,将采取更严格的措施,酒吧在XNUMX小时关闭,人们只允许与三人在家庭外进行密切接触。

西班牙: Almost five million people have been affected by a new lockdown in Madrid and nine surrounding towns.马德里和附近九个城镇的新禁令已影响到近五百万人。 People can leave their local area only to go to work, school or for medical care.人们只能离开当地去上班,上学或就医。 Indoor and outdoor social gatherings are limited to six people.室内和室外社交聚会仅限六人。 Bars and restaurants have to shut by 22h.酒吧和餐馆必须在XNUMX小时之前关闭。 Along with shops, they have reduced the number of customers entering at any one time.除商店外,他们还减少了一次进入的顾客数量。 Most regions in Spain have made masks obligatory outdoors as well.西班牙的大多数地区也都要求户外必须戴口罩。

荷兰: Dutch authorities introduced new measures from 29 September, after the number of daily infections surged to the highest level since the start of the pandemic.荷兰当局从22月XNUMX日起采取新措施,因为每日感染数量已飙升至自大流行开始以来的最高水平。 People are advised to wear a mask in shops in major cities and restaurants and bars have to close by XNUMXh across the country.建议人们在主要城市的商店里戴口罩,并且全国的餐馆和酒吧必须在XNUMX小时之前关闭。 Businesses must log clients' contact details and working from home is encouraged.企业必须记录客户的联系方式,并鼓励在家工作。 Social gatherings inside people's homes must not exceed three people.人们家中的社交聚会不得超过三人。 There can be no spectators at sports events.体育赛事上不能有观众。 

德国: A ban on large gatherings in Germany - such as public festivals, sporting events with spectators and concerts - has been extended to the end of the year.禁止在德国举行大型集会的活动已延长至年底,例如公共节日,与观众的体育赛事和音乐会。 The new Bundesliga football season is taking place behind closed doors.新的德甲足球赛季在封闭的大门下进行。 Testing at German airports is compulsory for all travellers arriving from high-risk countries, but from 1 October those travellers have had to self-isolate for 14 days.来自高风险国家/地区的所有旅客都必须在德国机场进行测试,但是从50月46日起,这些旅客必须自我隔离50天。 People failing to wear face coverings in shops or on public transport face a minimum fine of €25 (£XNUMX).未在商店或公共交通工具上佩戴面罩的人将面临最低XNUMX欧元(XNUMX英镑)的罚款。 German authorities agreed to introduce further measures in regions where the rate of infections is high.德国当局同意在感染率高的地区采取进一步措施。 Public gatherings will be limited to XNUMX people and private to XNUMX.公开聚会的人数不得超过XNUMX人,私人聚会的人数不得超过XNUMX人。 

意大利: Strict social distancing and the compulsory wearing of face masks are in effect in Italy's museums and galleries.在意大利的博物馆和美术馆中,严格的社会疏离和强制戴口罩已经开始。 All dance venues and nightclubs have been closed.所有舞蹈场所和夜总会均已关闭。 Face masks must also be worn from 18h to 6h in all public spaces where social distancing isn't possible.在不可能进行社交疏散的所有公共场所,必须在XNUMXh至XNUMXh之间佩戴口罩。 In schools, face masks are obligatory for all children over the age of six when they move around the school building.在学校中,所有六岁以上的儿童在学校大楼周围走动时都必须戴口罩。 encouraged to work from home if possible.尽可能鼓励在家工作。 There have also been a number of local lockdowns.也有一些本地锁定。

英国: 冠状病毒感染率的飙升使英国濒临更严格的封锁措施,盖过了鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)昨天试图集中精力应对大流行后的生活的企图。 政府的科学顾问呼吁采取“紧急和严厉行动”,因为案件在11天内翻了一番,达到14,542,死亡人数翻了一番,达到76。 英格兰的医院住院治疗一天之内增长了四分之一,而部长们也在争先恐后地寻找减少西北部病例的方法,这是由于人们担心卫生服务部门在感染热点地区应对冬季的能力。 曼彻斯特的发病率在一周内翻了一番,达到每十万人500例。 利物浦和纽卡斯尔紧随其后,增长率超过100,000%。

仅此而已–非常感谢您的关注,保持安全并享受本周的剩余时间,9月XNUMX日(星期五)与您见面,并且不要忘记注册EAPM德国欧盟轮值主席国会议 此处 , 议程是 此处.


EU Reporter 发表来自各种外部来源的文章,表达了广泛的观点。 这些文章中的立场不一定是欧盟记者的立场。
