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A new university ranking, set up with funding from the European Union, is being publicly launched under the Irish EU Presidency in Dublin today (30 January).由欧洲联盟资助建立的新大学排名今天(500月2014日)在都柏林爱尔兰欧盟轮值主席国下公开发布。 The new 'multi-dimensional' listing marks a departure from traditional approaches to ranking university performance, most of which focus disproportionately on research excellence.新的“多维”列表标志着对传统方法对大学成绩进行排名的偏离,大多数方法不成比例地专注于卓越研究。 Instead, it will rate universities according to a broader range of factors, in five separate areas: reputation for research, quality of teaching and learning, international orientation, success in knowledge transfer (such as partnerships with business and start-ups), and contribution to regional growth.取而代之的是,它将根据更广泛的因素,在五个不同的领域中对大学进行评级:研究声誉,教学质量,国际定位,知识转移的成功(例如与企业和初创企业的合作伙伴关系)以及贡献区域增长。 Some XNUMX universities from Europe and across the world are expected to sign up to take part in the ranking and the first results will be published in early XNUMX.预计来自欧洲和世界各地的约XNUMX所大学将报名参加该排名,首批结果将于XNUMX年初发布。

Speaking ahead of the launch, Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth said: "Universities are one of Europe's most successful inventions, but we cannot rest on our laurels. We need to think and act more strategically to realise the full potential of our universities. To do that, we need better information about what they offer and how well they perform. Existing rankings tend to highlight research achievements above all, but U-Multirank will give students and institutions a clear picture of their performance across a range of important areas. This knowledge will help students to choose the university or college that is best for them. It will also contribute to the modernisation and quality of higher education by enabling universities to identify their strengths or weaknesses and learn from each other's experience; finally, it will give policy makers a more complete view of their higher education systems so that they can strengthen th欧洲教育,文化,多语种和青年事务专员安德鲁拉·瓦西里乌(Androulla Vassiliou)在发布会前说:“大学是欧洲最成功的发明之一,但我们不能为自己的成就而rest惜。我们需要思考并采取更具战略性的行动来实现这一目标。发挥我们大学的全部潜能。为此,我们需要更好地了解他们所提供的服务以及他们的表现如何。现有的排名往往会着重强调研究成就,但是U-Multirank可以让学生和机构清楚地了解他们在整个领域的表现一系列重要领域,这些知识将帮助学生选择最适合自己的大学,也将使大学能够发现自己的长处或短处并相互学习,从而有助于高等教育的现代化和质量;最后,它将使政策制定者对他们的高等教育系统有更全面的了解,以便他们可以加强eir country's performance as a whole."整个国家的表现。”

The conference launching the ranking will be opened by the Irish Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairi Quinn.爱尔兰教育与技能部长Ruairi Quinn将宣布排名的会议开幕。 He said: "As higher education becomes ever more crucial to Europe's social, cultural and economic well-being, the need for quality and diversity in our higher education systems grows greater. The Irish Presidency is strongly committed to helping support the roll-out of this next phase of U-Multirank. I urge higher education institutions to seize this opportunity to participate in building a ranking system which will shine a light on the many positive aspects of higher education activity across Europe for the benefit of students, institutional leaders, policy makers and other stakeholders.”他说:“随着高等教育对欧洲的社会,文化和经济福祉变得越来越重要,我们的高等教育系统对质量和多样性的需求也越来越大。爱尔兰担任主席一职坚决致力于帮助支持欧洲的推广。我敦促高等教育机构抓住这一机会,参与建立一个排名系统,该系统将为整个欧洲高等教育活动的许多积极方面提供亮点,以造福学生,机构领导者,政策制造者和其他利益相关者。”

In addition to providing an authoritative ranking comparing institutions, U-Multirank will also rate universities in four specific subject areas: business studies, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and physics.除了提供权威的排名比较机构外,U-Multirank还将在四个特定学科领域对大学进行评级:商业研究,机械工程,电气工程和物理学。 The list of specific disciplines will be gradually expanded in future years.未来几年,具体学科的清单将逐步扩大。

由德国高等教育中心(CHE)和荷兰高等教育政策研究中心(CHEPS)牵头的独立财团将对排名进行汇总。 合作伙伴包括莱顿大学科学技术研究中心(CWTS),信息专业人员Elsevier,贝塔斯曼基金会和软件公司Folge3。该财团还将与代表学生,大学和企业的国家级排名合作伙伴和利益相关者组织合作,以确保完整性和准确性。


根据可衡量的标准和数据,新的排名将是公正的。 它的多维方法使其适合于任何寻求对其性能进行反馈的大学。 个人用户也将能够获得反映其特殊需求的“个性化”排名; 这将使他们获得最感兴趣的机构或学科的信息,并根据自己的喜好对标准进行加权。


欧盟委员会随后委托了一个可行性研究,该研究由一个名为CHERPA的高等教育和研究组织财团进行,并于2011年完成。该研究基于与欧洲和世界各地150所高等教育机构的合作,证实了多维排名的概念和实现是现实的。 已经开发了在线调查工具来收集所需的数据。 该联盟还将与现有的国家排名合作,以避免不得不向大学多次提出相同的问题。

U-Multirank将于2-2013年度从“终身学习计划”中获得欧盟总计14万欧元的资助,并可能在2015-2016年再获得两年的种子资金。 目标是让一个独立的组织在此之后进行排名。




EU Reporter 发表来自各种外部来源的文章,表达了广泛的观点。 这些文章中的立场不一定是欧盟记者的立场。
