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今天(17月XNUMX日),欧盟委员会通过了一项 白皮书 on the distortive effects caused by foreign subsidies in the Single Market.单一市场上外国补贴引起的扭曲效应。 The Commission now seeks views and input from all stakeholders on the options set out in the White Paper.委员会现在征求所有利益相关者对白皮书中列出的选项的意见和建议。

The EU's competition rules, trade defence instruments and public procurement rules play an important role in ensuring fair conditions for companies in the Single Market, the so-called level playing field.欧盟的竞争规则,贸易防御手段和公共采购规则在确保公司在单一市场(即所谓的公平竞争环境)中享有公平条件方面发挥着重要作用。 Subsidies by EU member states have always been subject to EU state aid rules to avoid distortions.欧盟成员国的补贴一直受到欧盟国家援助规则的约束,以避免扭曲。 However, subsidies granted by non-EU governments to companies in the EU appear to be having an increasingly negative impact on competition within the Single Market, but fall outside the EU's state aid controls.但是,非欧盟政府对欧盟公司的补贴似乎对单一市场内的竞争产生越来越大的负面影响,但超出了欧盟国家援助的控制范围。 


The Commission has put forward several approaches to resolving this problem.委员会提出了解决这一问题的几种方法。 The first three options aim at addressing the distortive effects of foreign subsidies (i) in the Single market generally (Module 1), (ii) in acquisitions of EU companies (Module 2) and (iii) during EU public procurement procedures (Module 3).前三个选项旨在解决外国补贴的扭曲效应(i)一般在单一市场中(模块XNUMX),(ii)收购欧盟公司时(模块XNUMX)和(iii)在欧盟公共采购程序中(模块XNUMX) )。 These Modules may be complementary to each other, rather than alternatives.这些模块可以相互补充,而不是替代。 The White Paper also sets out a general approach to foreign subsidies in the context of EU funding.白皮书还规定了在欧盟资助范围内对外国补贴的一般方法。


EU Reporter 发表来自各种外部来源的文章,表达了广泛的观点。 这些文章中的立场不一定是欧盟记者的立场。
