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British firms will need to employ foreign tradesmen such as electricians, bricklayers and butchers after Brexit because of shortages.由于短缺,英国公司将需要在脱欧后雇用电工,瓦工和屠夫等外国商人。 The country will also be reliant on migrant car mechanics, physiotherapists, and foreign language teachers.该国还将依靠移民汽车修理工,物理治疗师和外语老师。 These occupations, along with others such as lab technicians, pharmacists and meat hygiene inspectors, are set to be included in a list of jobs that qualify for work visa eligibility.这些职业以及实验室技术员,药剂师和肉类卫生检查员等其他职业,将被列入符合工作签证资格的工作清单中。

They are identified in a review by the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) published today (29 September).在今天(XNUMX月XNUMX日)发布的移民咨询委员会(MAC)的一份审查报告中确定了它们。 The review recommends that the occupations should be added to the official Home Office Shortage Occupations List (SOL) to make it easier for migrants to apply for work visas to fill vacancies.审查建议将这些职业添加到内政部的官方短缺职业列表中,以使移民更容易申请工作签证以填补空缺。

MAC审查预测,当1年2021月XNUMX日英国脱欧后人们的自由流动结束时,经济中的几个部门将面临人力压力。 It particularly highlights shortages in the care sector and recommends numerous care sector jobs be added to the SOL, including senior care workers, residential, day and domiciliary care managers and proprietors.它特别强调了护理部门的短缺,并建议将许多护理部门的工作添加到SOL中,其中包括高级护理人员,住宅,日间和家庭护理经理和所有人。

The review warns that low wages in social care mean most frontline occupations in the sector are ineligible for the skilled worker route.该评论警告说,社会医疗保健中的低工资意味着该行业的大多数前线职业都不适合熟练工人路线。 It calls on the sector to make jobs more attractive to UK workers by increasing salaries rather than relying on migrants, particularly during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.它呼吁该行业通过增加薪资而不是依靠移民来增加工作对英国工人的吸引力,尤其是在持续的COVID-XNUMX大流行期间。 Care sector stakeholders have predicted staff shortages will put huge strain on both health and social care as the British population ages.护理行业利益相关者曾预测,随着英国人口的老龄化,人员短缺将给健康和社会护理带来巨大压力。

One projection is that the 65 and over age group will increase from 10.2 million in 2018 to 14.1 million by 2035, requiring a further 580,000 jobs.一个预测是75岁及以上年龄段的人群将从50年的800,000万增加到XNUMX年的XNUMX万,需要进一步的XNUMX万个工作岗位。 Another predicts that the XNUMX and over demographic is set to grow by XNUMX percent and would require a further XNUMX jobs.另一个人预测,XNUMX岁及以上的人口将增长XNUMX%,这将进一步需要XNUMX万个工作岗位。

移民专家Yash Dubal,主任 AY&J律师,要求MAC推荐将护理人员和家庭护理人员重新分类为中级熟练工人,此举将使护理院能够填补海外工人的空缺。 He said: “It would be greatly welcomed if the Government, with a recommendation from the MAC, was to reclassify care workers and home carers up from the lower-skilled classification they currently hold.他说:“如果政府根据媒体委员会的建议,将护理人员和家庭护理人员从他们目前所掌握的较低技能类别重新分类,将受到极大欢迎。 They could then be added to the SOL and foreign workers could be sponsored at a lower salary of £20,480, rather than the minimum £25,600 needed under the new points-based system.然后可以将其添加到SOL中,并且可以以XNUMX英镑的较低薪水来资助外劳,而不是新的基于积分的系统所需的最低XNUMX英镑。 This would then become affordable for the care industry which could remain competitive and continue providing care for those who need it the most and who get little government support.这对于护理行业而言将变得负担得起,该行业可以保持竞争力并继续为最需要它且几乎没有政府支持的人们提供护理。

“如果维持现有体系,由于成本上涨和缺乏合适的员工,护理部门将面临崩溃的危险。 In April last year one of Britain's largest care home groups, Four Seasons Health Care, went into administration and we could see more.”去年四月,英国最大的养老院团体之一“四季医疗保健”开始管理,我们可以看到更多。”


Dubal also believes the numbers of migrants needed in the UK could increase after Brexit.杜巴尔还认为,英国退欧后,英国所需的移民人数可能会增加。 He explained: “This report shows that there continues to be shortages of skilled workers in around 70 professions in the UK, with more being added.他解释说:“该报告显示,英国大约XNUMX个职业中,熟练工人的短缺仍然存在,而且还在增加。 Only a few have been removed so the trend is towards a skills shortage, not surplus.只有少数人被删除,因此趋势是技能短缺而不是剩余。 In order to keep the economy strong and globally competitive, those workers have to come from somewhere, and if they are not in the UK, they will come from overseas.为了保持经济强劲和全球竞争力,这些工人必须来自某个地方,如果不在英国,他们将来自海外。


“不幸的是,由于冠状病毒及其影响,将导致大量的工作机会流失,但这些将集中在零售,休闲,旅行和酒店业,而不是SOL领域。 People may retrain of course, but in the interim employers will look internationally to fill their vacancies.”人们当然可以进行再培训,但是在过渡时期,雇主们将着眼于国际,以填补他们的空缺。”

SOL的职业受到不同,更有利的移民安排的约束,使雇主能够更快地找到更广泛的合适工人。 Candidates from overseas applying for jobs in these fields are eligible for work visas under the skilled worker route.在这些领域申请工作的海外候选人有资格通过熟练工人路线获得工作签证。



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