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COVID-19大流行破坏了社会的正常状况。 However, an opportunity that may rise from the ashes of this pandemic is a reset to surpass the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals - writes然而,这种大流行的灰烬可能会带来一个机遇,那就是重新超越联合国的可持续发展目标 布鲁塞尔公共事务专家凯文·巴特勒(Kevin Butler)。

布鲁塞尔公共事务专家凯文·巴特勒(Kevin Butler)。

布鲁塞尔公共事务专家凯文·巴特勒(Kevin Butler)。

In 2015,联合国提出了17项目标的相互关联的集合,作为“实现所有人的更好和更可持续的未来的蓝图”。 September九月 2020 is the fifth anniversary of their adoption.是他们采用五周年。 With just under ten years left to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, world leaders at an SDG Summit in 2019 called for a Decade of Action and delivery for sustainable development.距实现可持续发展目标还有不到十年的时间,世界各国领导人在2030年的SDG峰会上呼吁为可持续发展采取行动和交付十年。 They pledged to mobilize financing, enhance national implementation and strengthen institutions to achieve the Goals by the target date of XNUMX, leaving no one behind.他们承诺动员资金,加强国家执行力度和加强体制,以在XNUMX年的目标日期之前实现这些目标,没有留下任何人。 Despite recent progress towards the Goals, the pandemic has shifted this momentum.尽管最近在实现目标方面取得了进展,但大流行已经改变了这一势头。 


联合国预测,COVID-19大流行将使71万人陷入极端贫困,这是自XNUMX年以来全球贫困率首次上升 1998. 就业不足和失业意味着非正规经济中约1.6亿本已脆弱的工人(全球劳动力的一半)可能会受到严重影响,仅在危机的第一个月,他们的收入估计就下降了60%。

Women and children are also among those bearing the heaviest brunt of the pandemic's effects.妇女和儿童也是首当其冲的流行病。 Decreased health and vaccination services along with limited access to diet and nutrition services have the potential to cause hundreds of thousands of additional under-five deaths and tens of thousands of additional maternal deaths across the world in保健和疫苗接种服务的减少,以及饮食和营养服务的获取有限,有可能在世界范围内导致成千上万的五岁以下儿童死亡和成千上万的孕产妇死亡。 2020. 许多国家的家庭暴力侵害妇女和儿童的报道也激增。

School closures have kept 90% of students worldwide (1.57 billion) out of school and caused over 370 million children to miss out on school meals they depend on.停课使全球20%的学生(XNUMX亿)脱离了学校,并导致超过XNUMX亿儿童错过了他们所依赖的学校伙食。 Lack of access to computers and the internet at home means remote learning is out of reach for many people.在家中无法使用计算机和互联网意味着许多人无法远程学习。 As more families fall into extreme poverty, children in poor and disadvantaged communities are at much greater risk of child labour, child marriage and child trafficking.随着越来越多的家庭陷入极端贫困,贫穷和处境不利的社区中的儿童面临着童工,童婚和贩运儿童的更大风险。 Research shows that the global gains in reducing child labour are likely to be reversed for the first time in XNUMX years.研究表明,全球减少童工现象的收益可能会在XNUMX年来首次出现逆转。



No matter how powerful the impact of COVID-19 is, we have an opportunity to hit the reset button.无论COVID-XNUMX的影响多么强大,我们都有机会按下“重置”按钮。 Once we are able to rebuild, we must ensure the success of our economy will also reflect societal well-being within each country.一旦我们能够重建,就必须确保我们的经济成功也将反映每个国家的社会福祉。 We have a unique window of opportunity to shape the recovery.我们有一个独特的机会来塑造复苏。 New foundations must be built for our economic and social systems – one that ensures equality for all.必须为我们的经济和社会体系建立新的基础-确保所有人平等的基础。 Undoubtedly, the level of ambition and cooperation are key metrics in delivering these political objectives.毫无疑问,雄心与合作水平是实现这些政治目标的关键指标。 However, we have seen in the past couple of months that radical change can happen overnight.但是,我们在过去的几个月中看到,彻底的改变可能在一夜之间发生。

Organisations and governments have adapted during the crisis, working from home, engaging in virtual conferences and a wide list of the traditional norms for society have simply ceased to exist.在危机期间,组织和政府已经做出了调整,他们在家中工作,参加虚拟会议,而对于社会的传统规范的广泛列表已经不复存在了。 Additionally, populations have also adapted in order to stop the spread of the virus.另外,人群也已经适应以阻止病毒传播。

Notable figures have called for wide ranging changes to the normal that we were once used to fro many years.著名的数字要求对我们曾经使用了许多年的常态进行广泛的改变。 A few weeks ago, UN Messenger of Peace Malala Yousafzai pleaded to world leaders that “things should not return to the way they were”, insisting on action rather than words.几周前,联合国和平使者马拉拉·尤萨夫扎伊(Malala Yousafzai)向世界各国领导人呼吁,“事情不应回到原来的状态”,坚持采取行动而不是言语。 Achim Steiner, former executive director at UNEP recently stated that “the pandemic is a clear warning.联合国环境规划署前执行董事阿希姆·斯坦纳(Achim Steiner)最近表示:“大流行是一个明确的警告。 Recovery from the crisis cannot be driven by a zero-sum game of economy versus environment, or health versus economy” He called this a “once in a generation chance to set things straight”.经济与环境,健康与经济之间的零和博弈并不能驱使人们从危机中复苏。他称这是“世代相传的一次机会”。


The triple effect of the pandemic as seen above, will, in the short term, work against the goals of the UN SDGs.从短期看,上述流行病的三重影响将与联合国可持续发展目标的目标背道而驰。 However, it is clear now that the SDGs are resilience indicators for the future.但是,现在很明显,可持续发展目标是未来的复原力指标。

自任期开始以来,冯德莱恩委员会就致力于建立绿色和数字联盟。 委员会主席领导下的领导人是欧盟绿色协议执行副总裁Frans Timmermans,这是冯·莱恩委员会的六个核心支柱之一。 近几个月来,欧洲委员会一直在朝着绿色和数字复苏的方向努力。 恢复工作的关键部分是实施称为“修复并为下一代做好准备”的原则。

尽管过去几个月来积极的沟通和政策,仍需要采取更多行动。 某些国家正在将健康指标纳入其预算。 芬兰担任主席 2019 通过其《福利经济委员会》的结论推动欧盟采取更多行动,意大利政府对预算政策进行了模拟,以查看是否会改善一些社会指标。


Actions speak louder than words.行动胜于雄辩。 The pandemic has created enormous short term difficulties for our society.大流行给我们的社会造成了巨大的短期困难。 Despite the challenges, we must rebuild.尽管面临挑战,我们仍必须重建。 The inequalities of the pre-pandemic world cannot be repeated.大流行前世界的不平等现象无法重演。 Over the past number of months in particular, we have seen how wide the gap is between rich and poor.特别是在过去的几个月中,我们看到了贫富差距有多大。 The European Commission has acted in response to the pandemic but a stronger Europe in the world is needed to successfully realize the UN SDGs.欧盟委员会已经采取了应对这种大流行的行动,但是要成功实现联合国的可持续发展目标,还需要一个世界上更强大的欧洲。

Civil society leaders and organizations have called for a “super year of activism” to accelerate progress on SDG's, urging world leaders to increase efforts to reach everyone by supporting local action and innovation and unlocking more financing for sustainable development.民间社会领导人和组织呼吁“超级行动主义年”,以加快实现可持续发展目标的步伐,敦促世界领导人通过支持地方行动和创新并为可持续发展争取更多资金,加大与所有人的接触。 Without change, the activism of Fridays for Future and other local level action will increase and intensify throughout the world.如果没有变化,则“面向未来的星期五”行动和其他地方行动将在全世界范围内增加和激化。 This action has the ability to change the current political system with a Green Wave 2.0.此举有能力通过Green Wave XNUMX改变当前的政治体系。


EU Reporter 发表来自各种外部来源的文章,表达了广泛的观点。 这些文章中的立场不一定是欧盟记者的立场。
