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The new outbreak of the military conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh has seriously concerned the whole world.阿塞拜疆与亚美尼亚之间因纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫爆发的军事冲突新爆发,已引起全世界的严重关注。 Russia did not stand aside either.俄罗斯也没有袖手旁观。 Armenia is a strategic partner and a state with which Russia has close political and economic relations.亚美尼亚是俄罗斯的战略伙伴和国家,俄罗斯与该国有着密切的政治和经济关系。 Armenia is a member of The Collective Security Treaty Organization (which also unites Russian, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan).亚美尼亚是集体安全条约组织的成员(该组织也是俄罗斯,白俄罗斯,哈萨克斯坦,吉尔吉斯斯坦和塔吉克斯坦的联合体)。 A Russian military base is located in Armenia.俄罗斯军事基地位于亚美尼亚。 At the same time, intensive ties are maintained between Moscow and Baku, including on the purchase of Russian weapons,同时,莫斯科与巴库之间保持着密切的联系,包括购买俄罗斯武器, 莫斯科通讯社亚历克斯·伊万诺夫(Alex Ivanov)写道。 

In this situation, Russia found itself in a difficult situation - to take a flexible but principled position.在这种情况下,俄罗斯发现自己处于困境中-采取灵活但原则上的立场。 This is exactly what Moscow did, calling on both countries to abandon the logic of war and sit down at the negotiating table.莫斯科正是这样做的,呼吁两国放弃战争逻辑,坐在谈判桌旁。

俄罗斯联邦总统新闻秘书德米特里·佩斯科夫(Dmitry Peskov)对媒体说:“克里姆林宫主要是因为需要及早停火和战斗​​。任何有关军事支持或军事活动的言论肯定会助长大火。我们我们坚决反对这一点,不同意这个问题的说法,我们呼吁所有人,所有国家,特别是我们的伙伴,例如土耳其,尽一切可能说服交战各方停火并恢复和平解决这一问题。通过政治和外交手段的长期冲突。”

Since the start of hostilities on 27 September, Moscow, Yerevan and Baku have maintained an active dialogue both at the highest level and through the ministries of foreign Affairs and other structures.自从XNUMX月XNUMX日敌对行动开始以来,莫斯科,埃里温和巴库一直在最高层以及通过外交部和其他机构进行了积极的对话。 At the same time, it is emphasized that the Russian side inclines both opposing sides to stop fighting and start a dialogue.同时要强调的是,俄罗斯方面倾向于使双方停止战斗并开始对话。 However, the prospects for such a solution do not suit everyone.但是,这种解决方案的前景并不适合所有人。 In particular, the Azerbaijani President has already stated that it is problematic to start negotiations because of Yerevan's tough position on Nagorno-Karabakh.特别是,阿塞拜疆总统已经表示,由于埃里温对纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫的强硬立场,开始谈判是有问题的。


It is noteworthy that the skirmishes that took place a few months ago on the border of Azerbaijan and Armenia provoked clashes and hostility between representatives of the national diasporas of the two countries living in Moscow.值得注意的是,几个月前在阿塞拜疆和亚美尼亚边界发生的冲突引发了居住在莫斯科的两国国民代表之间的冲突和敌意。 Armenians and Azerbaijanis are actively involved in the wholesale trade of vegetables and fruits in Moscow.亚美尼亚人和阿塞拜疆人积极参与莫斯科的蔬菜和水果批发贸易。 The conflict on the border then provoked clashes between merchants of the two countries and attacks on shopping facilities, cafes and restaurants.边界冲突随后激起了两国商人之间的冲突,并袭击了购物设施,咖啡馆和餐馆。 Fruits from Armenia were boycotted in large wholesale markets, which are controlled mainly by people from Azerbaijan.亚美尼亚的水果在主要由阿塞拜疆人控制的大型批发市场被抵制。 The Russian authorities took a lot of effort to resolve this conflict.俄罗斯当局为解决这一冲突付出了很多努力。 Given the current aggravation of the situation, Moscow is trying to prevent a repeat of these events.鉴于当前局势的恶化,莫斯科正在努力防止再次发生这些事件。 To avert inter-ethnic clashes, the Russian foreign and internal affairs ministries have already started the necessary contacts with the embassies of Armenia and Azerbaijan in Moscow.为了避免种族之间的冲突,俄罗斯外交和内政部已经开始与亚美尼亚和阿塞拜疆驻莫斯科使馆进行必要的接触。



Many analysts in Russia and Europe express the opinion that Moscow is "not very active" in connection with the aggravation of the situation around Nagorno-Karabakh.俄罗斯和欧洲的许多分析家认为,莫斯科与纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫周围局势的恶化有关“不是很活跃”。 Many believed that Russia would take Armenia's side in the conflict.许多人认为,俄罗斯将在冲突中支持亚美尼亚。

Nevertheless, it is already clear that Moscow is trying to maintain maximum impartiality for reconciliation of the parties.然而,很显然,莫斯科正在努力保持最大的公正性,以实现双方和解。 Let's hope that this approach will bear fruit in the near future.我们希望这种方法在不久的将来会取得成果。


EU Reporter 发表来自各种外部来源的文章,表达了广泛的观点。 这些文章中的立场不一定是欧盟记者的立场。
