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德古赫特专员在评论该裁决时说:I've made standing up to protectionism one of the hallmarks of my term as EU Trade Commissioner.作为欧盟贸易专员,我已经成为捍卫贸易保护主义的标志之一。 This case sends an important signal that protectionism is not acceptable.这种情况发出了一个重要信号,即保护主义是不可接受的。 I call on Argentina to move quickly to我呼吁阿根廷迅速采取行动 遵守WTO专家组的裁决和取消这些非法措施,为欧盟商品在阿根廷市场上的公平竞争开辟道路。”

The EU submitted an official complaint about the measures in May 2012, along with the US and Japan.欧盟于XNUMX年XNUMX月与美国和日本一起就该措施提出了正式申诉。 Today's WTO panel ruling upholds these claims and gives a clear verdict: Argentina may not require local importers or foreign firms to accept various practices forced upon them by the Argentinean authorities as a condition for being allowed to import goods into the country.世贸组织今天的裁定维持了这些主张,并做出了明确的裁决:阿根廷不得要求本地进口商或外国公司接受阿根廷当局强加给他们的各种做法,以作为允许将货物进口到该国的条件。








The WTO panel also ruled against a procedure known as the Advanced Sworn Import Declaration ('Declaración Jurada Anticipada de Importación', or DJAI).世贸组织专家小组还裁定了一项称为高级宣誓进口宣言的程序(“DeclaraciónJurada Anticipada deImportación”或DJAI)。 This requires firms to secure approval by the Argentine authorities before importing goods.这就要求企业在进口商品之前必须获得阿根廷当局的批准。

Argentina introduced the measures as part of its so-called 'managed trade' policy.阿根廷将这些措施作为其所谓的“有管理的贸易”政策的一部分。 This aims to substitute imports for locally-sourced products and to reduce or eliminate the country's trade deficits with other countries or regions.这样做的目的是用进口产品代替本地产品,并减少或消除该国与其他国家或地区的贸易逆差。 The WTO's ruling ensures that Argentina cannot apply this policy by ignoring its obligations under the WTO.世贸组织的裁决确保阿根廷不能无视世贸组织规定的义务而实施这一政策。 The measures have imposed a severe burden on importers of EU products into Argentina and also impair the capacity of foreign firms to operate in the country.这些措施给欧盟产品进口国阿根廷带来了沉重负担,也损害了外国公司在该国经营的能力。


The EU, Japan and the US launched a WTO dispute settlement case in May 2012. Initial consultations with Argentina in July 2012 did not bring an amicable solution.欧盟,日本和美国于2013年60月发起了WTO争端解决案。XNUMX年XNUMX月与阿根廷进行的初步磋商并未带来友好的解决方案。 As a result, the WTO set up a panel in January XNUMX. All parties now have XNUMX days in which to appeal against the panel's ruling if they wish.因此,WTO于XNUMX年XNUMX月成立了一个专家小组。所有当事方现在有XNUMX天的时间可以对专家小组的裁决提出上诉。 If there is no appeal, or once an appeal is completed, Argentina will have to bring itself into compliance by changing these measures, either immediately or within a reasonable period of time.如果没有上诉,或者一旦上诉完成,阿根廷将必须立即或在合理的时间内通过更改这些措施使自己合规。 That period of time will either be negotiated between Argentina, the EU, the US and Japan, or fixed by a WTO arbitrator.该期限将由阿根廷,欧盟,美国和日本之间协商确定,或者由WTO仲裁员确定。


问与答: 欧盟对世贸组织阿根廷进口限制的挑战 (6十二月2012)

新闻稿: 欧盟挑战阿根廷的进口限制 (25月2012)


EU Reporter 发表来自各种外部来源的文章,表达了广泛的观点。 这些文章中的立场不一定是欧盟记者的立场。
